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The Bipolar Teen

What You Can Do to Help Your Child and Your Family

David J. Miklowitz and Elizabeth L. George

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
November 16, 2007
ISBN 9781593853181
Price: $17.95
356 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
March 1, 2011
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Price: $17.95
356 Pages
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If your teen has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder—or your child’s moods seem out of control—Dr. David Miklowitz can help. The bestselling author of The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide has tailored his proven treatment approach to meet the specific needs of teens and their families. The Bipolar Teen provides practical tools you can use to make home life manageable again. You’ll learn to spot the differences between normal teenage behavior and the telltale symptoms of mania and depression. Together with your child’s doctors, you’ll be able to strike a healthy balance between medication and psychotherapy, recognize and respond to the early warning signs of an oncoming episode, and collaborate effectively with school personnel. Like no other resource available, this powerful book delivers ways to manage chaos and relieve stress so everyone in your family—including siblings—can find stability, support, and peace of mind.

“Miklowitz draws on his extensive clinical and research background to create a thoughtful book written for the parent struggling with the journey of bipolar disorder....Filled with engaging and informative tool. The authors consolidate information from many sources into an easy-to-understand narrative that introduces necessary medical jargon in a palatable way....An excellent resource for any caretaker of a child or adolescent facing bipolar disorder.”

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

“This is the only book on adolescent bipolar disorder that truly offers realistic expectations, meaningful treatment options, and clearly provides families with invaluable knowledge on their child's illness. One of the best of the year!...5 stars!”

Doody's Review Service

“Parents grappling with questions about adolescent bipolar disorder will find all the key facts in this book: how to recognize the signs and symptoms of mania and depression, the best available treatments, and strategies for protecting family life. Written by leading authorities in the field, the book provides information in a clear, supportive style. I would recommend this book highly to any family that is struggling to come to terms with this difficult disorder.”

—Sheri L. Johnson, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Miami

“Miklowitz and George have prepared a book of exceptional sophistication, wisdom, and clinical sensitivity; one that will be useful to parents and clinicians alike. The book draws on the most current research about the assessment and treatment of bipolar disorder in adolescents, includes copies of ready-to-use scales and materials, and illustrates how these ideas and tools are woven into interventions that are both evidence based and supportive of the unique needs of each family. The discussion of how parents can work with schools to promote academic and social success is particularly valuable. We will be using this book with families in our training clinic, and I will recommend it enthusiastically to colleagues.”

—Eric Youngstrom, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

“Kudos to Drs. Miklowitz and George! This accessible and well-crafted guide distills 20 years of research experience to provide proven management tools to parents who face the daunting task of navigating the world of the bipolar teen.”

—Demitri Papolos, MD, coauthor of The Bipolar Child

“My family has walked in these shoes, and has emerged on the other side of adolescence. My child is now a happy, successful, self-sufficient young adult, thanks to the treatment approach on which this book is based. As both a parent and a professional, I will do anything I can to get this book into the hands of other families who are struggling with this illness. This is the first book on adolescent bipolar disorder that offers hope.”

—Kathy McBride, MS, Family Resource Specialist, Boulder Valley (Colorado) School District

“This book is filled with tips on handling—and yes, surviving—the 'perfect storm' that is adolescence with a bipolar teen. The authors have seen and heard it all! They share compassionate guidance on how parents can stay calm, keep everyone safe, and steer through the storm.”

—Martha Hellander, JD, Cofounder, Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation

“A treasure chest of comprehensive information, real-life stories, and practical suggestions for parenting your challenging teen supportively and effectively. This book is a wonderful resource that will improve everyday life for the whole family.”

—V.M., parent of a 15-year-old bipolar child

Table of Contents


I. Understanding Bipolar Disorder in Teens

1. "What's Happening to My Teenager?"

2. A Close Look at the Symptoms

3. Getting an Accurate Diagnosis

4. Living with Bipolar Disorder: What Your Family Can Expect

II. Treating Adolescent Bipolar Disorder

5. "How Did My Teenager Get This Illness?"

6. Medications for Bipolar Disorder in Teens

7. How Psychotherapy Can Help Your Teenager and Your Family

8. Helping Your Teen Accept Ongoing Medication Treatment

III. Helping Your Teen Stay Well

9. Family Management and Coping

10. Tools and Tactics for Preventing Mood Episodes

11. What to Do When Mania Begins

12. How to Handle Depression

13. Dealing with Suicidal Thinking and Behavior

14. Tackling the School Environment


About the Authors

David J. Miklowitz, PhD, is Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, and Visiting Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. He is author of The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide and Living Well with Bipolar Disorder, for general readers, and several award-winning books for professionals, including Bipolar Disorder: A Family-Focused Treatment Approach. Dr. Miklowitz has published over 300 scientific articles and 70 book chapters. He has won Distinguished Investigator awards from the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, the International Society for Bipolar Disorders, and the Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology. Dr. Miklowitz is one of the few psychologists to have received the Award for Research in Mood Disorders from the American College of Psychiatrists.

Elizabeth L. George, PhD, is coinvestigator with Dr. Miklowitz on the Colorado Family Project and a psychologist with a private practice based in Boulder.


Parents who are concerned about their teenager's moods and behavior, or who have already received a bipolar diagnosis. Also of interest to mental health professionals working with adolescents and families.