The Clinician's Guide to CBT Using Mind Over Mood
Second Edition
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This authoritative guide has been completely revised and expanded with over 90% new material in a new step-by-step format. It details how, when, and why therapists can make best use of each chapter in
Mind Over Mood, Second Edition (
MOM2), in individual, couple, and group therapy. Christine A. Padesky's extensive experience as a CBT innovator, clinician, teacher, and consultant is reflected in 100+ pages of compelling therapist–client dialogues that vividly illustrate core CBT interventions and management of challenging dilemmas. Fully updated, the book offers research-based guidance on the use of
MOM2 to treat anxiety disorders, depression, anger, guilt, shame, relationship problems, and personality disorders. Invaluable therapy tips, real-life scenarios, and troubleshooting guides in each chapter make this the essential
MOM2 companion for novice and experienced therapists alike. Reproducible Reading Guides show how to sequence
MOM2 chapters to target specific moods. First edition title:
Clinician’s Guide to Mind Over Mood.
New to This Edition
- Detailed instructions on how, when, and why to use each of MOM2’s 60 worksheets.
- Expanded coverage illustrating effective use of thought records, behavioral experiments, and imagery.
- Shows how to flexibly tailor MOM2 to address particular anxiety disorders, using distinct principles and protocols.
- Incorporates evidence-based practices from positive psychology, motivational interviewing, and acceptance and commitment therapy.
- Updated practice guidelines throughout, based on current clinical research.
- More content on using MOM2 for therapist self-study and in training programs and classrooms.
- Free supplemental videos on the author's YouTube channel provide additional clinical tips and discuss issues in practicing, teaching, and learning CBT.
See also
Mind Over Mood, Second Edition: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think.
“This important book builds on the classic first edition. Clinicians who want to apply Beck's cognitive therapy model while their clients are using
Mind Over Mood will find a seamless, user-friendly roadmap for helping clients overcome their difficulties. Packed with client–therapist dialogues and powerful tools, this guide will prove to be a popular manual for adhering to the CBT model. Highly recommended.”
—Robert L. Leahy, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College; Director, American Institute for Cognitive Therapy
Mind Over Mood is perhaps the best self-help manual in the field today, making the second edition of
The Clinician's Guide invaluable. I will use both books together in working with my clients and teaching clinical trainees, and strongly recommend that others do the same.”
—Steven D. Hollon, PhD, Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of Psychology, Vanderbilt University
“Padesky scores really big with the second edition of
The Clinician's Guide. Each chapter contains an informative description of how to conduct CBT, including ways to collaboratively problem solve with clients when things are not going as planned. Those who liked the first edition will simply love this book, and new readers are in for a real treat! This is a book that belongs in all graduate training programs and should be in the hands of clinicians who work with a wide variety of individuals, couples, and groups. A most welcome volume!”
—Thomas H. Ollendick, PhD, University Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, Virginia Tech
Mind over Mood is one of the most widely used tools to help clients deepen the learning that occurs in therapy sessions. This outstanding therapist guide shows clinicians how to ensure their clients get the most out of
Mind over Mood. It is also a brilliant, clear, sensitive, and perceptive guide to core CBT interventions.”
—David M. Clark, DPhil, Professor and Chair of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
“For students and trainees,
The Clinician's Guide explains core CBT concepts clearly and effectively, and helps them hone in on how to teach clients specific skills. It has a great blend of research evidence and practical clinical guidance. Using this book together with
MOM2 offers students an even more complete picture of how CBT helps clients and how to tailor interventions to meet each individual's needs.”
—Lynn McFarr, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles
The Clinician's Guide fills the gap between learning cognitive therapy strategies and building skills for how and when to use them. With multiple nuanced case illustrations, this book provides invaluable information on how to practice, teach, and supervise others in CBT. Like
MOM2, the second edition of
The Clinician's Guide incorporates more behavioral and acceptance skills. It empowers clinicians not simply to reduce clients’ maladaptive thoughts and behaviors, but also to help them cultivate positive emotions, thoughts, and actions, and harness their natural strengths. Used together,
The Clinician's Guide and
MOM2 are indispensable texts in graduate-level courses to train the next generation of mental health professionals.”
—Lata K. McGinn, PhD, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University
“Reading this book is similar to sitting in a consultation room with the most seasoned therapists so they can help to navigate the often turbulent waters of treating clients with difficult problems. The second edition has been significantly expanded to include state-of-the-art practice guidelines, theoretical developments, enhanced troubleshooting guides, decision trees, and other tools that make it an essential resource for both students and experienced professionals. The revised case examples are outstanding and offer strategies for some of the most challenging situations that clinicians are likely to encounter. I will turn to this book frequently in my clinical practice. I highly recommend it to anyone serious about achieving excellent outcomes in therapy.”
—Frank M. Dattilio, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Table of Contents
Section I.
Mind Over Mood Unpacked
1. How to Use This Clinician’s Guide
2. Fundamental Skills (MOM2 Chapters 1–4)
3. Goal Setting (MOM2 Chapter 5)
4. Thought Records, Part I: Situations, Moods, and Thoughts (Columns 1–3; MOM2 Chapters 6–7)
5. Thought Records, Part II: Cognitive Restructuring (Columns 4–7; MOM2 Chapters 8–9)
6. New Thoughts, Action Plans, and Acceptance (MOM2 Chapter 10)
7. Underlying Assumptions and Behavioral Experiments (MOM2 Chapter 11)
8. New Core Beliefs, Gratitude, and Acts of Kindness (MOM2 Chapter 12)
9. Depression and Behavioral Activation (MOM2 Chapter 13)
10. Understanding Anxiety and Treatment Principles (MOM2 Chapter 14)
11. Adapting MOM2 to Common Anxiety and Related Disorders
12. Anger, Guilt, and Shame (MOM2 Chapter 15)
13. Relapse Management and Happiness (MOM2 Chapter 16 and Epilogue)
Section II. Mind Over Mood in Context
14. CBT Principles in Individual and Couple Therapy
15. MOM2-Based Group Therapy
Appendix A. Specific Mood Reading Guides from MOM2
Appendix B. A Personal History of the 7-Column Thought Record
Appendix C. Additional Resources from Christine A. Padesky
About the Author
Christine A. Padesky, PhD, a clinical psychologist, is cofounder of the Center for Cognitive Therapy in Huntington Beach, California; codeveloper of Strengths-Based CBT; and coauthor of seven books, including the bestselling self-help resource
Mind Over Mood, Second Edition. Dr. Padesky is a recipient of the Aaron T. Beck Award for significant and enduring contributions to the field of cognitive therapy from the Academy of Cognitive Therapy (now the Academy of Cognitive and Behavior Therapies; ACBT), the Distinguished Contribution to Psychology Award from the California Psychological Association, and the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) Award for Most Influential International CBT Therapist. She has been named a Distinguished Founding Fellow of the ACBT and an Honorary Fellow of the BABCP. The BABCP voted
Mind Over Mood the most influential CBT book of all time. Dr. Padesky has taught workshops to more than 50,000 therapists internationally and is renowned for her ability to integrate theory, empiricism, creativity, and practical therapy skills. She consults worldwide and develops audio and video training materials for therapists. Her free video training series for therapists is posted at Her websites are (for the general public) and (for mental health professionals).
Dennis Greenberger, PhD, a clinical psychologist, is founder and Director of the Anxiety and Depression Center in Newport Beach, California. He is a past president and Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy (now the Academy of Cognitive and Behavior Therapies). Dr. Greenberger trained at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Cognitive Therapy and was mentored by Aaron T. Beck and Judith S. Beck. He is a longtime practitioner of CBT and has presented at national and international conferences. Dr. Greenberger is coauthor of the bestselling self-help resource
Mind Over Mood, Second Edition, which was cited as the most influential CBT book of all time by the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies. His website is
Mental health professionals, including clinical psychologists, clinical social workers, psychiatrists, counselors, and psychiatric nurses; graduate students and instructors.
Course Use
May serve as a text in graduate-level courses.
Special package offer:
Perfect for use together, The Clinician's Guide to CBT Using Mind Over Mood, Second Edition, and Mind Over Mood, Second Edition, Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think, offer a step-by-step roadmap for practicing or learning CBT.
Order both items for $61.95, instead of $83.95 if bought separately!
order package
Previous editions published by Guilford:
First Edition, © 1995
ISBN: 9780898628210
New to this edition:
- Detailed instructions on how, when, and why to use each of MOM2’s 60 worksheets.
- Expanded coverage of effective use of thought records, behavioral experiments, and imagery.
- Shows how to flexibly tailor MOM2 to address particular anxiety disorders, using distinct principles and protocols.
- Incorporates evidence-based practices from positive psychology, motivational interviewing, and acceptance and commitment therapy.
- Updated practice guidelines throughout, based on current clinical research.
- More content on using MOM2 for therapist self-study and in training programs and classrooms.