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The Practitioner Guide to Skills Training for Struggling Kids

Michael L. Bloomquist

A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
October 25, 2012
ISBN 9781462507368
Price: $51.00
328 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
November 29, 2012
Price: $51.00
328 Pages
print + e-book
A Paperback Original + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $102.00 $61.20
328 Pages
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Addressing frequently encountered emotional, behavioral, and academic difficulties, this essential guide shows how to help parents implement proven skills-building strategies with their kids (ages 5-17). The author draws on over 25 years of research and clinical practice to provide a flexible program for individual families or parent groups. The focus is on teaching kids the skills they need to get their development back on track and teaching parents to cope with and manage challenging behavior. Featuring vignettes and troubleshooting tips, the Practitioner Guide is packed with ideas for engaging clients and tailoring the interventions. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, it contains more than 60 reproducible handouts and forms.

See also Skills Training for Struggling Kids, an invaluable client recommendation, which guides parents to implement Dr. Bloomquist's strategies and includes all of the handouts and forms they need.

“Bloomquist presents a wide variety of solutions for many of the behavioral and emotional challenges often experienced by children in the 5- to 17-year age range….The procedures presented are derived from behavior therapy techniques that are well-tested and well-proven. As with many current similar training books, this book can be modularized such that relevant sections can be utilized ensuring the skills training program is tailored for each particular child….Both the parental book and the practitioner book are complete in that they contain not only the training modules but all the forms and assessment tools necessary to enhance compliance and maintenance of treatment fidelity….Practitioners wanting a well-done, thorough, and comprehensive modularized book to offer to parents who wish to work along with the therapist would do well to recommend this pair of books.”

Child and Family Behavior Therapy

“This book is effectively grounded in evidence-based practices, with useful integration of parent management training, social competence and cognitive-behavioral interventions, and behavioral family skills training. It includes sophisticated tips and strategies for engaging clients and tailoring interventions for specific families. In the companion parent guide, Bloomquist speaks frankly to parents and treats them as thoughtful participants and collaborators in the change process.”

—John E. Lochman, PhD, ABPP, Director, Center for Prevention of Youth Behavior Problems, University of Alabama

“As a psychologist trainee, I find this a very useful guide when working with children and their parents. The book provides a helpful framework for conceptualizing the developmental struggles of childhood and offers a way to empower parents and children with tools for success, especially when used in combination with the parent guide. I feel well prepared for sessions and better able to help my clients achieve their goals.”

—Erin VandenLangenberg, MPH, MA, doctoral candidate, University of Minnesota

“With an expert eye toward implementation in real-world settings, Dr. Bloomquist places the best of what we know about behavior change in children, youth, and families in an accessible format. The modular approach in this book is the new frontier in evidence-based interventions; it provides an ideal base for flexible tailoring while remaining grounded in sound scientific strategies with a long history of effectiveness. The book is unique in combining a modular approach with clear explanations of engagement strategies, motivational enhancement techniques, and process issues. An invaluable tool for practicing clinicians, the Practitioner Guide also would serve as an excellent text for graduate-level courses in psychosocial intervention with children, youth, and families.”

—Cheri J. Shapiro, PhD, Institute for Families in Society, University of South Carolina

“Our organization is committed to incorporating evidence-based practices into service delivery. After exploring various options, we adopted the 'Struggling Kids' program across our organization as a preferred mode of skills-building intervention for children with emotional and behavioral problems and their families. Practitioners appreciate the accessible skills-building content that matches different families' needs and the rating scales and functional assessments that help determine how well clients are progressing. I am confident that we are delivering highly effective and efficient services to our clients.”

—Tara Drahos, Mental Health Programs Manager, Hutchinson Area Health Care, Hutchinson, Minnesota

“Bloomquist draws on a wealth of experience in both research and applied settings. Strengths of these coordinated manuals for parents and practitioners include a focus on children's and teens' competencies across a broad age span; the inclusion of strategies to enhance parental well-being and family functioning; and the many practical suggestions to aid in implementing evidence-based practices in real-life settings. These volumes will be welcome additions to the libraries of parents and practitioners. Highly recommended!”

—Robert J. McMahon, PhD, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, and Child and Family Research Institute, Canada

Table of Contents


I. Background Information

1. Behavioral-Emotional Problems and Developmental Struggles in Children

2. Skills-Training Methods Used in the "Struggling Kids" Program

II. Practice Guidelines for the "Struggling Kids" Program

3. Procedures to Use with All Families Receiving the "Struggling Kids" Program

4. Using the Getting Started and Staying with It Module

5. Using the Child Behavioral Development Module

6. Using the Child Social Development Module

7. Using the Child Emotional Development Module

8. Using the Child Academic Development Module

9. Using the Parent Well-Being Module

10. Using the Family Well-Being Module

III. Case Examples

11. Practice Illustrations of the "Struggling Kids" Program

Appendix: Implementation Support Protocol for the "Struggling Kids" Program

About the Author

Michael L. Bloomquist, PhD, a child psychologist, is Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota, where he conducts research and trains practitioners. The author of books including Skills Training for Struggling Kids (for parents) and The Practitioner Guide to Skills Training for Struggling Kids (for mental health professionals), Dr. Bloomquist has written extensively about effective intervention methods. He has worked with struggling kids and teens and their families for more than 30 years.


Clinical child/adolescent psychologists, school psychologists, counselors, social workers, and psychiatrists.

Course Use

May serve as a supplemental text in graduate-level courses and clinical practica.