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The Work-Smart Academic Planner

Revised Edition
Write It Down, Get It Done

Peg Dawson and Richard Guare

A Paperback Original
A Paperback Original
February 16, 2017
ISBN 9781462530205
Price: $19.00
136 Pages
Size: 8½" x 11"
Convenient Spiral Binding
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From executive skills experts Peg Dawson and Richard Guare, the 8½“ x 11” academic planner that has helped thousands of students in grades 6–12 is now revised and updated. It provides an all-in-one resource for keeping track of assignments and due dates while developing the crucial executive skills needed to succeed in school and beyond. Students are given the tools to get organized, manage their time, learn study strategies, create daily/weekly study plans, and stay on track. They are also guided to evaluate their own executive skills in order to target their weaknesses and capitalize on strengths. In addition to simplified planner pages, the revised edition has an improved Studying for Tests form.

User-friendly features: Professionals, see also the authors' Coaching Students with Executive Skills Challenges, Second Edition, and the authoritative Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents, Third Edition. Plus, for parents: Smart but Scattered, Second Edition (with a focus on 4- to 12-year-olds), and Smart but Scattered Teens.

“This is a wonderful tool. Importantly, it provides a menu of options for coaches and students and the language is transparent and logical. Dawson and Guare draw on their knowledge of how executive skills develop and are refined to explicitly teach strategies for academic and personal self-management and self-advocacy. Both the student and the executive skills coach will gain from using this planner.”

—Jackie Gilson, NCSP, school psychologist, Chicago Public Schools

“In my 17 years as a teacher, I've worked with countless frustrated, struggling students who are clearly capable of doing better. The executive functioning and coaching components in The Work-Smart Academic Planner are vital to improve the academic performance of these learners. The planner helps students develop a growth mindset and increase their sense of self-efficacy. It builds the cognitive skills necessary for success in school and beyond.”

—Timothy McElroy, MA, special education teacher, Mountain View High School, Fairfax County (Virginia) Public Schools

“Dawson and Guare provide a true compass for navigating the path to academic growth. The planner provides invaluable practical strategies that encourage students' independence and foster learning. It will be a welcome resource for students, coaches, educators, and parents.”

—Barbara Saint-Amour, board-certified coach, Yarmouth, Maine

“While it is valuable to develop theoretical models of executive functioning, it is incredibly more so to develop practical strategies and clinical tools for overcoming problems in this area. Congratulations to Dawson and Guare for doing just that. This planner provides a set of tools that will help teens with executive skills deficits—including those with ADHD—to function more effectively. The planner pages in the revised edition are easier to use, as each week now fits on a single page. Parents and teachers will find the book highly useful, and clinicians will want to add it to the list of resources they recommend for dealing with executive skills deficits on a daily basis.”

—Russell A. Barkley, PhD, ABPP, ABCN, Department of Psychiatry, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine

“This planner will be extremely useful for a wide variety of students, from those struggling with school performance to high achievers seeking further growth. It incorporates research-based strategies that will help students manage and plan their time, organize school assignments and responsibilities, and remain focused on short- and long-term goals. I know of no other resource that not only provides an individual guide for executive skill development but also includes many helpful checklists, tip sheets, and templates to support the successful completion of essential school tasks.”

—George J. DuPaul, PhD, School Psychology Program, Lehigh University

Table of Contents

About This Planner

Using the Planner with a Coach

Planner Overview

I. Understanding Your Executive Skills Profile

Part I Task Completion Checklist

Executive Skills Questionnaire

Executive Skills Problem Checklist

Executive Skills Tip Sheets

II. Goal Setting

Part II Task Completion Checklist

Goal-Setting Worksheet

III. Strategies for Success

Studying for Tests

Five-Paragraph Essay Template

Long-Term-Project Planning Form

Other Strategies

IV. Daily/Weekly/Monthly Planners

About the Authors

Peg Dawson, EdD, is a psychologist who provides professional development training on executive skills for schools and organizations nationally and internationally. She was previously on the staff of the Center for Learning and Attention Disorders at Seacoast Mental Health Center in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Dr. Dawson is a past president of the New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists, the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), and the International School Psychology Association, and a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from NASP. She is coauthor of bestselling books for general readers, including Smart but Scattered, Smart but Scattered Teens, Smart but Scattered—and Stalled (with a focus on emerging adults), and The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success (with a focus on adults). Dr. Dawson is also coauthor of The Work-Smart Academic Planner, Revised Edition, and books for professionals including Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents, Third Edition.

Richard Guare, PhD, BCBA-D, is a neuropsychologist and board-certified behavior analyst who frequently consults to schools and agencies on attention and executive skills difficulties. He is former Director of the Center for Learning and Attention Disorders at Seacoast Mental Health Center in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Dr. Guare is coauthor of bestselling books for general readers, including Smart but Scattered, Smart but Scattered Teens, Smart but Scattered—and Stalled (with a focus on emerging adults), and The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success (with a focus on adults). He is also coauthor of The Work-Smart Academic Planner, Revised Edition, and books for professionals including Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents, Third Edition.


Students ages11–17 (grades 6–12) and professionals who work with them, including academic and ADHD coaches, school psychologists, classroom teachers, and special educators; also of interest to parents.

Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents: Third Edition: A Practical Guide to Assessment and Intervention, Smart but Scattered Teens: The "Executive Skills" Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential, The Work-Smart Academic Planner: Revised Edition: Write It Down, Get It Done, Coaching Students with Executive Skills Challenges: Second Edition and Smart but Scattered: Second Edition: The Revolutionary Executive Skills Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their PotentialSpecial package offer: Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents, Third Edition, provides a comprehensive guide to school-based assessment and intervention. Coaching Students with Executive Skills Challenges, Second Edition, is packed with practical tools. The Work-Smart Academic Planner, Revised Edition, is designed for students to use in conjunction with coaching. Plus, bestselling parent recommendations—Smart but Scattered, Second Edition (with a focus on 4- to 12-year-olds), and Smart but Scattered Teens. Together, this is an essential executive skills package from Dawson and Guare.

Order all 5 items for $108.95, instead of $149.90 if bought separately!

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Previous editions published by Guilford:

First Edition, © 2015
ISBN: 9781462519569