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Treating Women with Substance Use Disorders

The Women's Recovery Group Manual

Shelly F. Greenfield

A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
May 20, 2016
ISBN 9781462525768
Price: $51.00
324 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
April 26, 2016
Price: $51.00
324 Pages
print + e-book
A Paperback Original + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $102.00 $61.20
324 Pages
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Filling a crucial need, this manual presents the Women's Recovery Group (WRG), an empirically supported treatment approach that emphasizes self-care and developing skills for relapse prevention and recovery. Grounded in cognitive-behavioral therapy, the WRG is designed for a broad population of women with alcohol and drug use disorders, regardless of their specific substance of abuse, age, or co-occurring disorders. Step-by-step intervention guidelines are accompanied by 80 reproducible clinical tools, including participant handouts, session outlines, bulletin board materials, and more. The large-size format facilitates photocopying; purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.

“Greenfield created a research-based women’s recovery group manual that can be used by a wide variety of practitioners….Strong points include a section in which she describes and succinctly summarizes research studies that led to the creation of the manual (so the reader is not forced to look up all of the relevant research articles), the ability to tailor sessions based on specific problem areas or client needs, flexibility to use the manual with individual clients (rather than with groups) when needed, and an assortment of client worksheets and session outlines that quickly eases the new practitioner into comfortably using the materials….Overall, this is a well-produced manual, based on many years of empirical research by the author and her colleagues and repeatedly field-tested. The materials provided and the skills required also make this treatment protocol useful to many types of professionals—from psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, and psychologists to front-line drug and alcohol counselors. The easy-to-read yet descriptive layout for each session is likely to increase the possibility that group leaders will be willing to try this treatment protocol and that they could quickly feel comfortable using the program. Additional handouts can be downloaded from the publisher’s website, which also enhances ease of use….Greenfield’s approach to mixing together data-driven work and presenting it in a pragmatic and efficient way to treatment providers is admirable. Client satisfaction data also suggest this new approach may be useful and life-enhancing for participants. As a psychologist who teaches and supervises graduate students, and who often works with female clients, I will certainly be recommending this book on a regular basis. It is a welcome addition to a small number of simple treatment manuals.”

Sex Roles

“Shelly Greenfield has…provided a great resource for work with this population. She has, in a very clear and concise way, laid out for the practitioner the issues unique to women struggling with chemical abuse and dependency. She exhibits an exemplary understanding of the ongoing issues that a woman attempting recovery faces including the impact of life-cycle changes….This book provides the understanding and a structured group modality to bring in the very issues that need to be addressed for women to get clean and maintain their recovery….Provides group facilitators with a useful tool to engage women in treatment….A well-thought-out and well-organized manual that offers a good understanding of key issues and the tools to address them.”

Social Work with Groups

“This book fills an important niche, providing a session-by-session roadmap for the treatment of women that is evidence based and emphasizes self care and developing skills for relapse prevention and recovery….This book is designed for therapists who treat women with alcohol and drug use disorders. It is also appropriate for healthcare clinicians considering developing programs specifically for women and wanting to understand gender-specific challenges that women face.”

Doody's Review Service

“Greenfield has done an extraordinary job of using scientific findings to inform the treatment approach delineated in this well-organized, well-written book. This is an in-depth guide from a world-renowned authority. I highly recommend this book to therapists and counselors working in this area.”

—Kathleen T. Brady, MD, PhD, Distinguished University Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina

“Women with substance use disorders have unique and challenging needs, and face specific barriers and obstacles to achieving recovery. This manual provides a wealth of information on the WRG, the first evidence-based treatment that is truly designed for all women with substance use disorders. The handouts will help clinicians organize groups and successfully implement the material.”

—Sudie E. Back, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina

“This book fills a key niche by providing a manual for women’s treatment that is evidence based and deeply informed by clinical experience. It is rich in guidelines and strategies to help clinicians intervene effectively. A comprehensive synthesis of the research is translated into practical interventions in a manner that can be used with diverse populations. Its format is adaptable to a wide range of treatment settings. This is a wonderful resource for treatment centers and for graduate and professional training programs.”

—Joan E. Zweben, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco; staff psychologist, San Francisco VA Medical Center

“Greenfield, a national expert in the addiction treatment field, offers an excellent and practical approach to moving women with substance use disorders toward recovery. This book answers a vitally important question: How do we address the unique gender-specific issues that addicted women confront, which are so often slighted in clinical settings? It is a resource that will enhance the clinical skills of both trainees and established professionals.”

—Marc Galanter, MD, Director, Division of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, New York University School of Medicine

Table of Contents

I. Introduction to the Women's Recovery Group

1. Treating Women with Substance Use Disorders

2. Conducting the Women’s Recovery Group

II. Group Sessions

Session 1. The Effect of Drugs and Alcohol on Women’s Health

Session 2. How to Manage Triggers and High-Risk Situations

Session 3. Overcoming Obstacles to Recovery

Session 4. Managing Mood, Anxiety, and Eating Problems without Using Substances

Session 5. Women and Their Partners: The Effect on Recovery

Session 6. Coping with Stress

Session 7. Women as Caretakers: Can You Take Care of Yourself While You Are Taking Care of Others?

Session 8. Using Self-Help Groups to Help Yourself

Session 9. Women’s Use of Substances through the Life Cycle

Session 10. Violence and Abuse: Getting Help

Session 11. The Issue of Disclosure: To Tell or Not to Tell?

Session 12. Substance Use and Women’s Reproductive Health

Session 13. Can You Have Fun without Using Drugs or Alcohol?

Session 14. Achieving a Balance in Your Life

Appendix A. Reproducible Participant Materials

Appendix B. Reproducible Therapist Materials



About the Author

Shelly F. Greenfield, MD, MPH, is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Chief Academic Officer at McLean Hospital, where she also serves as Chief of the Division of Women's Mental Health and Director of Clinical and Health Services Research and Education in the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Program. The Women's Recovery Group grew out of her extensive research and clinical work in the field of substance use disorders, with a particular focus on women and addiction. Dr. Greenfield has authored more than 125 articles and book chapters. She is Chair of the National Institute on Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network gender special interest group and past Chair of the American Psychiatric Association's Council on Addiction Psychiatry, and serves on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry and on the Advisory Committee on Services for Women of the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. A member of the American College of Psychiatrists and a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, Dr. Greenfield is a recipient of the R. Brinkley Smithers Distinguished Scientist Award from the American Society of Addiction Medicine and the A. Clifford Barger Award for Excellence in Mentoring from Harvard Medical School.


Clinical psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, substance abuse and mental health counselors, and psychiatric nurses.