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Treatment Planning in Psychotherapy

Taking the Guesswork Out of Clinical Care

Sheila R. Woody, Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell, Bethany A. Teachman, and Todd O'Hearn

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
August 11, 2004
ISBN 9781593851026
Price: $41.00
251 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 2003
September 26, 2012
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Price: $41.00
251 Pages
Copyright Date: 2003
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251 Pages
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This user-friendly book helps clinicians of any theoretical orientation meet the challenges of evidence-based practice. Presented are tools and strategies for setting clear goals in therapy and tracking progress over the course of treatment, independent of the specific interventions used. A wealth of case examples illustrate how systematic treatment planning can enhance the accountability and efficiency of clinical work and make reporting tasks easier—without taking up too much time. Special features include flowcharts to guide decision making, sample assessment tools, sources for a variety of additional measures, and instructions for graphing client progress. Ideal for busy professionals, the book is also an invaluable text for graduate-level courses and clinical practica.

“...a significant addition to the treatment planning resources that are available to today's clinicians....its focus on the importance of ongoing patient assessment and treatment plan review and revision during an episode of care makes it a unique and important contribution to the field and an excellent supplement to other works on the topic.”

Contemporary Psychology

“Woody and coauthors have produced an excellent book that offers a scientifically rigorous and clinically sensitive assessment system. Adoption of their system by any clinician would go a long way toward ensuring that clients receive optimal psychological services.”

The Clinical Psychologist

“The authors' system helps the empirically oriented practitioner implement the steps necessary to identify and prioritize clients' problems, establish mutually agreed-upon treatment goals, and measure the outcomes of psychotherapy. Clinicians will find specific ideas on planning the different phases of treatment, harnessing client motivation, and overcoming pitfalls, as well as tools for assessment and progress evaluation. A superb primary practice textbook for graduate students.”

Canadian Association of Social Work Bulletin

“The book is particularly well-suited to graduate students, possibly as an introductory textbook for a course in psychotherapy planning and evaluation. It will also be a valuable guide for clinicians working in training settings or for more experienced therapists who would like to incorporate these strategies in their work....Will not only likely help therapists manage their cases more effectively and subsequently provide clients and patients with explicit knowledge about the progress and outcome of their therapy, but is also likely, with minimal effort, to produce a great deal of valuable data for case studies, case series, and other clinically useful and publishable evaluations of both progress and outcome in clinical care.”

Canadian Psychology

“This book is a marvelous contribution to the evidence-based practice movement in mental health. The authors' Planning and Assessment in Clinical Care (PACC) system helps the empirically oriented practitioner operationalize the steps necessary to identify and prioritize client problems, establish mutually agreed-upon treatment goals, and measure the outcomes of psychotherapy. PACC breathes new life into the long-advocated but little-implemented practice of integrating single-client evaluation designs into routine clinical practice. The case studies exemplify the best of evidence-based care in psychotherapy. This will make a superb primary practice textbook for graduate students in professional psychology, social work, psychiatry, counseling, and nursing.”

—Bruce A. Thyer, PhD, LCSW, School of Social Work, Florida State University

“This book is a boon for the practicing clinician as well as the graduate student beginning psychotherapy training or taking a course in behavioral assessment. Step by step, Woody et al. coach the reader in the use of an empirically oriented but idiographic approach to psychotherapy. Readers interested in problem-oriented psychotherapy, regardless of their specific theoretical orientation, will find much of value in this user-friendly work replete with examples of the complex cases encountered in real practice.”

—Dianne L. Chambless, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

“Woody et al. have provided a highly useful guide for clinicians of all levels of experience, regardless of theoretical orientation. The PACC model provides general strategies and concrete plans for tailoring treatment to each patient. Clinicians will find specific ideas on planning the different phases of treatment, harnessing client motivation, and overcoming pitfalls, as well as tools for assessment and progress evaluation. The Appendix includes a full range of widely studied self-report instruments that will prove invaluable.”

—Robert L. Leahy, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Weill-Cornell University Medical College; Director, American Institute for Cognitive Therapy

Table of Contents

1. The PACC Approach to Treatment Planning PACC: Going beyond Randomized Clinical Trials PACC: Enhancing Accountability Guiding Principles of Our Approach

Overview of the Model

What Are the Benefits of the PACC Approach?

What the PACC Approach Is Not

Time and Cost

2. Developing a Problem List

Why Formalize the Problem List?

Domains of Functioning: A Biopsychosocial Perspective

An Outline for Biopsychosocial Assessment

Case Formulation and the Problem List

Prioritizing Problems

Reexamining the Problem List

Shortcuts for the Busy Clinician

3. Treatment Planning Using a Phase Approach From Problem Identification to Problem Solving Treatment Planning as the Therapist's Map

Treatment Phases

Effectiveness of Phase Models of Psychotherapy

Phases in the PACC Approach

Outlining Expectations for Progress within Phases

Treatment Aims

Treatment Strategies

Choosing Aims and Strategies: Case Example

Challenges in Implementing the Treatment Plan

Shortcuts for the Busy Clinician

4. Ongoing Measurement

Benefits of Ongoing Measurement

Obstacles to Routine Measurement

Completing the Measures Section of the Treatment Phase Form

Establishing a Measurement Plan

Case Study: Group Treatment for Social Phobia

Shortcuts for the Busy Clinician

5. Illustrating Progress through Graphing

Why Graph?: Rationale for Visual Inspection of the Data

Creating Graphs

Graphing Progress with Microsoft Excel

Reviewing Progress and Moving across Phases

Case Example

Research Implications

Shortcuts for the Busy Clinician

6. Review of Progress

Strategies for Implementing a Progress Review

Cultural Considerations in Conducting the Progress Review

Conducting Progress Reviews with Clients with Personality Disorders

Readiness to Change and the Progress Review

Reasons to Move to a New Treatment Phase

Seeking Consultation to Improve Treatment Delivery

When a Lapse Has Occurred

Case Example

Troubleshooting: Anticipating Barriers to Conducting Progress Reviews


Shortcuts for the Busy Clinician

7. Iterative Treatment Planning and Its Applications

The Decision Tree

Case Study: Using the Decision Tree

Ethical Implications of Using PACC

Applications of PACC

Final Comments

Appendix: Measures for Tracking Clients' Progress


Description of the Measures

Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale

Bulimia Test-Revised

Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D)

Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale

Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale

Psychotic Symptoms Rating Scales

Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale

Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS)

Sources for Other Measures

About the Authors

Sheila R. Woody, PhD, is Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia and a registered psychologist in British Columbia, Canada.

Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Psychology at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon.

Bethany A. Teachman, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia.

Todd O'Hearn, PhD, was previously Director of the Yale Psychological Services Clinic and served on the teaching faculty in Yale's Department of Psychology. Currently he is developing a private practice in the Santa Barbara area.


Mental health professionals from a range of backgrounds, including clinical psychologists, clinical social workers, psychiatrists, and couple and family therapists; graduate students and trainees in these areas.

Course Use

Serves as a text in graduate-level courses in psychotherapy and evidence-based clinical practice, particularly within clinical psychology and social work.