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Understanding Priming Effects in Social Psychology

Edited by Daniel C. Molden

A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
September 22, 2014
ISBN 9781462519293
Price: $41.00
264 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
September 18, 2014
PDF and ePub ?
Price: $41.00
264 Pages
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A Paperback Original + e-Book (PDF and ePub) ?
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264 Pages
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How incidentally activated social representations affect subsequent thoughts and behaviors has long interested social psychologists. Recently, such priming effects have provoked debate and skepticism. Originally a special issue of Social Cognition, this book examines the theoretical challenges researchers must overcome to further advance priming studies and considers how these challenges can be met. The volume aims to reduce the confusion surrounding current discussions by more thoroughly considering the many phenomena in social psychology that the term priming encompasses, and closely examining the psychological processes that explain when and how different types of priming effects occur.

“Molden has brought together the most comprehensive overview of social psychological research on priming. The chapters in this volume illuminate the history and intellectual roots of priming research, current controversies about the nature and replicability of priming effects, and the significance of theory in identifying their boundary conditions. It is a ‘must-read’ resource for everyone who wants to understand the range and the limits of priming effects on social behavior.”

—Bertram Gawronski, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin

“Priming has long been a central concept in both cognitive and social psychology, yet only recently has the concept taken on different meanings with various uses. Numerous questions and issues have been debated in the literature, challenging what we thought we once knew. Molden has assembled first-rate scholars, including both advocates and skeptics in recent debates about priming, to provide balanced commentaries on a range of essential issues. This valuable volume highlights the landmarks, boundaries, and intersections encountered in charting the domain of this complex, but important and fascinating, area of inquiry.”

—David L. Hamilton, PhD, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara

“In this timely volume from eminent psychological scientists, social priming is demonstrated to be a pervasive phenomenon that goes far beyond semantic mechanisms. The authors convincingly show that demands to place social priming on probation are based on deep ignorance about its central role in shaping human behavior.”

—Fritz Strack, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Würzburg, Germany

Table of Contents

I. What is "Social Priming"?

1. Understanding priming effects in social psychology: What is “social priming” and how does it occur?, Daniel C. Molden

2. On the other side of the mirror: Priming in cognitive and social psychology, Stéphane Doyen, Oliver Klein, Daniel Simons, & Axel Cleeremans

3. Effects of evaluation: An example of robust "social" priming, Melissa J. Ferguson & Thomas C. Mann

4. Priming is not priming is not priming, Dirk Wentura & Klaus Rothermund

5. Structured vs. unstructured regulation: On procedural mindsets and the mechanisms of priming effects, Kentaro Fujita & Yaacov Trope

II. When and How Social Priming Occurs

6. Prime numbers: Anchoring and its implications for theories of behavior priming, Ben R. Newell & David R. Shanks

7. Understanding prime-to-behavior effects: Insights from the active-self account, S. Christian Wheeler, Kenneth G. DeMarree, & Richard E. Petty

8. Replicability and models of priming: What a resources computation framework can tell us about expectations of replicability, Joseph Cesario & Kai J. Jonas

9. Situated inference and the what, who, and where of priming, Chris Loersch & B. Keith Payne

10. Priming: Constraint satisfaction and interactive competition, Tobias Schröder & Paul Thagard

III. Considering New Sources of Social Primes

11. Grounding social embodiment, Daniël Lakens

12. Priming from others' observed or simulated responses, Eliot R. Smith & Diane M. Mackie

IV. From the Past of Social Priming to Its Future

13. Evaluating behavior priming research: Three observations and a recommendation, Ap Dijksterhuis, Ad van Knippeberg, & Rob W. Holland

14. The historical origins of priming as the preparation of behavioral responses: Unconscious carry-over and contextual influences of real-world importance, John A. Bargh

15. Priming . . . Shmiming: It's about knowing when and why stimulated memory representations become active, E. Tory Higgins & Baruch Eitam

16. Understanding priming effects in social psychology: An overview and integration, Daniel C. Molden

About the Editor

Daniel C. Molden, PhD, is Associate Professor of Psychology at Northwestern University. His research examines how activating different motivational mindsets influences the ways in which people (1) gather, integrate, and interpret social information, and (2) pursue, represent, and react to social interactions. His work has been featured in publications such as the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Psychological Science, and American Psychologist. Dr. Molden has held fellowships from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the National Institute of Mental Health, and has received funding for his research from the National Science Foundation.


John A. Bargh,Yale University

Joseph Cesario,Michigan State University

Axel Cleeremans,Consciousness, Cognition & Computation Group (CO3), Center for Research in Cognition & Neurosciences (CRCN), and ULB Institute for Neuroscience (UNI), Université Libre de Bruxelles

Kenneth G. DeMarree,University at Buffalo, SUNY

Ap Dijksterhuis,Radboud University Nijmegen

Stéphane Doyen,Consciousness, Cognition & Computation Group (CO3), Center for Research in Cognition & Neurosciences (CRCN), ULB Institute for Neuroscience (UNI), and Center for Research in Social and Cultural Psychology, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Baruch Eitam,University of Haifa

Melissa J. Ferguson,Cornell University

Kentaro Fujita,The Ohio State University

E. Tory Higgins,Columbia University

Rob W. Holland,Radboud University Nijmegen

Kai J. Jonas,University of Amsterdam

Olivier Klein,Center for Research in Social and Cultural Psychology, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Ad van Knippenberg,Radboud University Nijmegen

Daniël Lakens,Eindhoven University of Technology

Chris Loersch,University of Colorado

Diane M. Mackie,University of California, Santa Barbara

Thomas C. Mann,Cornell University

Daniel C. Molden,Northwestern University

Ben R. Newell,University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

B. Keith Payne,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Richard E. Petty,Ohio State University

Klaus Rothermund,University of Jena, Germany

Tobias Schröder,University of Waterloo

David R. Shanks,University College London, London, United Kingdom

Daniel J. Simons,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Eliot R. Smith,Indiana University, Bloomington

Paul Thagard,University of Waterloo

Yaacov Trope,New York University

Dirk Wentura,Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

S. Christian Wheeler,Stanford University


Social psychologists

Course Use

May be used as a supplement in courses on social psychology.