Unintended Thought

Edited by James S. Uleman and John A. Bargh

July 14, 1989
ISBN 9780898623796
Price: $78.00
469 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"

Bringing together an array of outstanding contributors, this volume offers an in-depth examination of unintended thought—its underlying mechanisms, consequences in day-to-day life, and role in mental and emotional disturbance. Chapters describe a number of important phenomena that are influenced by unintended (and sometimes automatic, uncontrolled, or unconscious) ways of perceiving and interpreting the social and physical environment. These include inferences and judgments about self and others, stereotyping and prejudicial behavior, the impact of persuasive messages, long-term goals, responses to stress, and clinical depression. Key questions explored include the extent to which research findings in controlled settings bear on cognition and behavior outside the laboratory; how such constructs as intention and control of thought have been operationalized by investigators; and when self-control of unintended thought is possible or even desirable. Researchers, practitioners, and graduate students in cognitive, social, personality, and clinical psychology will find much of value in this unique work.

“Decidedly empirical and scientific....An excellent, up-to-date treatment.”



Researchers, practitioners, and graduate students in cognitive, social, personality, and clinical psychology.

Course Use

Graduate students in cognitive, social, personality, and clinical psychology will all find much of value in this unusual volume. It is also ideal as a supplemental text for graduate courses in cognitive-clinical psychology, social cognition, and cognitive psychology. It can also serve as the basic text for seminars on awareness and intention.