What Works for Whom?
Second Edition
A Critical Review of Treatments for Children and Adolescents
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
The standard reference in the field, this acclaimed work synthesizes findings from hundreds of carefully selected studies of mental health treatments for children and adolescents. Chapters on frequently encountered clinical problems systematically review the available data, identify gaps in what is known, and spell out recommendations for evidence-based practice. The authors draw on extensive clinical experience as well as research expertise. Showcasing the most effective psychosocial and pharmacological interventions for young patients, they also address challenges in translating research into real-world clinical practice.
New to This Edition
- Incorporates over a decade of research advances and evolving models of evidence-based care.
- New chapter topic: child maltreatment.
- Separate chapters on self-injurious behavior, eating disorders, and substance use disorders (previously covered in a single chapter on self-harming disorders).
- Expanded chapters on depression, anxiety, and conduct disorder.
- Includes reviews of the burgeoning range of manualized psychosocial “treatment packages” for children.
“This is an important, comprehensive, well thought out, and well written text. It surpasses many of the texts currently written as it has a greater depth of exploration of many of the problems encountered in assessing empirical support….This book can be highly recommended and can become a valuable part of any graduate psychology, psychiatry residency, or advanced social work training program where the efficacy of interventions is scrutinized. The book is reasonably priced.”
—Child and Family Behavior Therapy
“This extremely useful bringing together of what is known on evidence-based treatments provides far more than an update of the first edition….The introduction provides a most thoughtful critique of what is meant by ‘evidence-based’ and in so doing moves away from a crude labelling of whether some treatment has a strong evidence-base towards a recognition of the importance of context….This is a ‘must read’ book for both clinicians and researchers. Because most people will need to refer frequently to the book on the treatments for particular disorders, I recommend purchase to ensure that the book is readily available on the bookshelf.”
—Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Review by Sir Michael Rutter, MD, FRS)
“Outstanding....A key strength of this book is that many forms of treatment are included for each disorder....The work is extraordinarily comprehensive....This is an excellent volume that will be useful to clinicians, administrators, policy planners, and researchers.”
—Clinical Social Work Journal (on the first edition)
“A unique and needed contribution to the literature.”
—Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic (on the first edition)
“This comprehensive and informative book makes a highly valuable contribution to the knowledge of treatment in children and adolescents with mental disorders....It is a pleasure to read this book. It can also serve as a quick reference book.”
—European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (on the first edition)
“Provides a well-structured, clear, and comprehensive review of relevant evidence-based research.”
—Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry (on the first edition)
“This is an excellent book that deserves to be in the library of every practitioner who works with children and adolescents suffering from emotional or behavioral disorders. It is extremely well written, comprehensive, and unusually concise. One of the things I particularly liked is that when the evidence base is not strong the authors are not afraid to provide some practical clinical suggestions. Strongly recommended.”
—Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (on the first edition)
“The authors are well respected in this field and have produced a clear, cogent handbook that synthesizes the studies that have evaluated psychosocial and pharmacological approaches....If good quality services are to be delivered to young people and their families, reviews like these should inform the decision-making process at all levels. An essential read.”
—Healthcare Counseling and Psychotherapy Journal (on the first edition)
“Valuable for everyday use as well as for a treatment reference….Each chapter is organized into sections with various evidence-based treatments, research findings, implications, and case-series studies. The chapter summaries detail all of the key components in an easy-to-read fashion so that anyone, including patients/parents/families, can understand….I would recommend it to anyone in the field as well as to parents/patients wanting to learn more about their illness.”
—Doody’s Review Service
“Fonagy is one of the fine minds of our era. He brings a thoughtful, rigorous, no-nonsense approach to intervention science. He and his team of collaborators have produced an unusually comprehensive synthesis of the intervention evidence on a broad array of youth mental health problems. This book is a valuable resource for professionals who work with children and adolescents and for researchers who seek to understand young people and their challenges. It is also an excellent text for classes on developmental dysfunction and youth psychotherapy.”
—John R. Weisz, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychology, Harvard University
“There has never been a greater time for a volume such as this! The second edition provides a sophisticated and thorough state-of-the-art review of current treatments for child and adolescent mental health problems. The growth in evidence-based practice since the first edition is impressive—and so is the capacity of Fonagy et al. to integrate this new body of literature in a way that truly advances our ability to help young people and their families. This volume is essential for clinicians seeking to incorporate evidence into their interventions, as well as an important refresher for experienced clinicians. It would also be used as a text for graduate-level courses in child and adolescent clinical psychology and psychiatry.”
—Carla Sharp, PhD, John and Rebecca Moores Professor of Clinical Psychology and Associate Dean for Faculty and Research, University of Houston
“At a time when trials have advanced rapidly in numbers and scope, this book provides a thorough and thoughtful account of the clinical science about available child and adolescent mental health treatments. The expanded coverage in the second edition, and the accessible summaries of the evidence, will be valuable to practitioners. Since the evidence base for therapies is given increasing importance in treatment planning, the book's emphasis on the limitations of the evidence will also be welcome and stimulating. I recommend this book as a resource for practitioners and students in child and adolescent mental health.”
—Eric Taylor, FRCP, FRCPsych (Hon.), FMedSci, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Emeritus), King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry
“The second edition of
What Works for Whom? is more than an update. It takes a much broader approach than the first edition, with greater emphasis on the contexts in which interventions for child mental health disorders are delivered. The summaries of evidence for each type of disorder are particularly helpful. I recommend this book as an essential point of reference for all professionals who provide child and adolescent mental health services, and for those training to work in this complex field.”
—Philip Graham, FRCPsych (Hon.), Emeritus Professor of Child Psychiatry, Institute of Child Health, London, United Kingdom
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Anxiety Disorders
3. Depressive Disorders
4. Disturbance of Conduct in Children under 11 Years of Age
5. Disturbance of Conduct in Adolescents
6. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
7. Tourette Syndrome
8. Psychotic Disorders
9. Pervasive Developmental Disorders
10. Self-Injurious Behavior
11. Eating Disorders
12. Substance Use Disorders
13. Children with Physical Symptoms
14. Specific Developmental Disorders
15. Child Maltreatment
16. Summary of Findings and Discussion
About the Authors
Peter Fonagy, CBE, FMedSci, FBA, FAcSS, is Professor of Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Developmental Science and Director of the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences at University College London (UCL). Dr. Fonagy is Senior Clinical Advisor on Children’s Mental Health at NHS England, Director of the UCLPartners Integrated Mental Health and Behaviour Change Programme, Consultant to the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine, and Visiting Professor at Yale and Harvard Medical Schools. His clinical interests center on early attachment relationships, social cognition, borderline personality disorder, and violence. A codeveloper of mentalization-based treatment, Dr. Fonagy has published more than 550 scientific papers, 250 chapters, and 20 books.
David Cottrell, MA, MBBS, FRCPsych, is Foundation Chair in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Leeds and has extensive experience in the development, management, delivery, and evaluation of services for children in the Leeds community. His research interests are in the evaluation of psychological interventions and child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS). Professor Cottrell was coauthor of the U.K. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines on management of depression in children and young people (Clinical Guideline No. 28). He is principal investigator of a large multicenter randomized controlled trial of systemic family therapy following teenage self-harm and coinvestigator on a second large multicenter randomized controlled trial evaluating multisystemic treatment for teenagers at risk.
Jeannette Phillips, MBBS, MRCP(UK), MRCPsych, is a consultant psychiatrist (currently retired from clinical practice). She has served as Clinical Director for CAMHS for West Kent and Medway National Health Service (NHS) and Social Care Partnership Trust, and subsequently as Clinical Lead for CAMHS (South East Coast) at NHS England. Her professional interests include service design and delivery; the development of optimal clinical pathways; and training, consultation, and support to staff at the front line of all services, particularly schools and voluntary agencies.
Dickon Bevington, MA, MBBS, MRCPsych, is a consultant in child and adolescent psychiatry, Cambridge and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust, and a member of the Cambridgeshire Child and Adolescent Substance Use Service. He is also Medical Director of the Anna Freud Centre in London, where he is a developer of mentalization-based treatments. He has a special interest in developing and running services for young people who are multiply excluded and may be seen as “hard to reach” by conventional clinic-based services. He is a recipient of an Innovation Nation Award for his work in developing wiki-based treatment manuals.
Danya Glaser, MBBS, DCH, FRCPsych, is Visiting Professor at University College London and Honorary Consultant in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London. She was a member of the U.K. Family Justice Council for 6 years and chaired the Development Group for the NICE guidelines “When to Suspect Child Maltreatment” (Clinical Guideline No. 89). Dr. Glaser has taught, researched, and written widely on various aspects of child maltreatment, including sexual and emotional abuse, fabricated or induced illness, and the effects of child maltreatment on the developing brain. She is past president of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect and chairs the Coram adoption panel in the United Kingdom.
Elizabeth Allison, DPhil, is a psychoanalyst and Deputy Director of the Psychoanalysis Unit at University College London.
Researchers, practitioners, and students in child clinical psychology, child and adolescent psychiatry, and clinical social work.
Course Use
May serve as a supplemental text in graduate-level courses.
Previous editions published by Guilford:
First Edition, © 1998
ISBN: 9781572303553
New to this edition:
- Incorporates over a decade of research advances and evolving models of evidence-based care.
- New chapter topic: child maltreatment.
- Separate chapters on self-injurious behavior, eating disorders, and substance use disorders (previously covered in a single chapter on self-harming disorders).
- Expanded chapters on depression, anxiety, and conduct disorder.
- Includes reviews of the burgeoning range of manualized psychosocial "treatment packages" for children.