More than 40,000 in print!
Word Sorts and More
Second Edition
Sound, Pattern, and Meaning Explorations K-3
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
Tens of thousands of teachers have used this skillfully crafted book to build children's word knowledge with engaging categorization activities organized by spelling stages. Featuring rich classroom examples, the revised and expanded second edition gives increased attention to teaching English learners (ELs), among other enhancements. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the volume includes over 200 reproducible word, picture, and letter sorts, plus additional reproducible forms and activities in the appendices. Purchasers get access to a
companion website where they can download and print the reproducible appendix materials. The website also features supplemental PowerPoint assessment slides and 16 pages of Spanish–English cognate sorts.
New to This Edition:
- Greatly expanded content on teaching ELs, including a chapter showcasing researcher perspectives as well as supplemental online resources.
- Cutting-edge SAIL (survey, analyze, interpret, link) framework for small-group lesson planning, complete with a detailed sample lesson and script.
- Additional user-friendly tools: student performance records and the No-Nonsense Word Recognition Assessment.
- Firsthand teacher perspectives now get a full chapter; many are new.
See also Ganske's
Word Journeys, Second Edition: Assessment-Guided Phonics, Spelling, and Vocabulary Instruction, which provides a comprehensive framework for assessing and building word knowledge, and
Mindful of Words, Second Edition: Spelling and Vocabulary Explorations, Grades 4–8, which presents word study activities for the intermediate and middle grades.
“The second edition highlights Ganske's ‘next-generation’ word study, which strategically integrates academic vocabulary instruction with word study. Ganske provides classroom teachers and specialists with authentic tools and resources for developing students’ knowledge using cognitive engagement, academic conversations, and explicit instruction. Lesson scenarios with accompanying classroom snapshots weave theory into practice, covering the ‘what’, ‘why’, and ‘how’ of effective teaching. Our district is just beginning a deep study of academic language, and I know this book will capably guide us.”
—Bev Taylor, MSE, K–5 reading specialist, Wasco Elementary School, St. Charles, Illinois
“This book continues to be an indispensable professional resource for every elementary teacher and English language instructor. Whether you are a novice or seasoned educator, Ganske provides comprehensive instruction for helping students to discern orthography and vocabulary in greater depth. The SAIL framework, coupled with classroom transcripts, shows how teachers can foster discussion that leads to increased understanding of academic vocabulary and everyday words. The perspectives of several teachers sharing their keen insights and reflections are valuable, as are the book's assessments, suggested games, and sample lessons.”
—Connie Largent, MS, Principal, Stonegate Elementary School, Zionsville, Indiana
“Ganske’s second edition is rich with useful materials to help teachers meet the individual word study needs of their students. Teacher perspectives and examples of teacher–student conversations offer excellent models of high-quality instruction. Time-saving word and picture cards are just right for sorting while engaging students in deep learning about words. The new chapter on English learners and the supplemental online resources are welcome additions, presenting readers with both theoretical and practical insights into helping children learn to read, write, and spell in English.”
—Patricia L. Scharer, PhD, Department of Teaching and Learning, The Ohio State University
Table of Contents
I. Setting the Stage
1. Next Generation Word Study
2. Voices on Word Learning and Instruction: Teacher Perspectives and Suggestions
3. Voices on Word Learning and Instruction: Researchers Address English Learners and Effective Interactions
II. Word Study for Emergent Learners
III. Word Study for Letter Name Spellers
IV. Word Study for Within Word Pattern Spellers
Appendix A. Assessments and Sample Lessons
Appendix B. Performance Records
Appendix C. Oh No! Card Game
Appendix D. Make-It, Break-It Letter Cards
Appendix E. Working with Spanish-Speaking English Learners
Appendix F. Templates and Other Materials
Index of Words and Pictures Used in the Sorts
About the Author
Kathy Ganske, PhD, is Research Professor, Retired, in the Department of Teaching and Learning at Vanderbilt University. She has been involved in researching, using, refining, and teaching about word study practices since the 1990s. Dr. Ganske's work is grounded in extensive teaching experience in elementary classrooms. Her recent research interests include vocabulary development during small-group word study instruction and literacy reform in challenging schools. Dr. Ganske is the author, coauthor, or editor of several books, including
Word Journeys, Second Edition;
Word Sorts and More, Second Edition;
Mindful of Words; and
Comprehension Across the Curriculum, as well as numerous articles and book chapters.
Classroom teachers in K–3; staff developers; teacher educators and graduate students.
Course Use
May serve as a supplemental text in elementary reading methods courses.
Previous editions published by Guilford:
First Edition, © 2006
ISBN: 9781593850500
New to this edition:
- Greatly expanded content on teaching ELs, including a chapter showcasing researcher perspectives as well as supplemental online resources.
- Cutting-edge SAIL (survey, analyze, interpret, link) framework for small-group lesson planning, complete with a detailed sample lesson and script.
- Additional user-friendly tools: student performance records and the No-Nonsense Word Recognition Assessment.
- Firsthand teacher perspectives now get a full chapter; many are new.