The Journal of Personality Disorders has long been a singular forum devoted exclusively to the diagnosis and treatment of clinically significant personality disorders. The journal fosters dialogue among researchers and practitioners working from a variety of orientations and approaches, with a well established international impact. This multidisciplinary journal regularly features:
Research on normal and pathological personality and development
New methodologies for assessing personality
Etiologies and clinical classifications for personality disorders
Epidemiological studies and outcomes research on diagnostic criteria
Treatment techniques and innovations
Editorial Board
Founding Editors
Theodore Millon, PhD, Institute for Advanced Studies in Personology and Psychopathology
Allen J. Frances, MD, Duke University School of Medicine
Associate Editors
Christopher C. Conway, PhD, Fordham University
Michael J. Crawford, MD, Imperial College London
Marianne Goodman, MD, Bronx VAMC/Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Abby L. Mulay, PhD, Medical University of South Carolina
Stephanie N. Mullins-Sweatt, PhD, Oklahoma State University
Stephanie D. Stepp, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Mark Zimmerman, MD, Brown University
Editorial Board
Michael Bagby, Lorna S. Benjamin, Donald W. Black, Mark Blais, Robert F. Bornstein, Luna C. M. Centifanti, John F. Clarkin, Emil F. Coccaro, David J. Cooke, Kate Davidson, Barbara De Clercq, Filip De Fruyt, David DeMatteo, Colin DeYoung, Giancarlo Dimaggio, Kevin S. Douglas, John F. Edens, Michael First, Andrea L. Glenn, Michael Hallquist, Stephen D. Hart, Erin A. Hazlett, Perry Hoffman, Christopher Hopwood, Steven K. Huprich, Kerry L. Jang, Daniel Klein, Marjorie Klein, Harold Koenigsberg, Ueli Kramer, Carl W. Lejuez, Ken Levy, John Livesly, Mark Lukowitsky, Don Lynam, Kristian Markon, Shelley McMain, Josh Miller, Leslie C. Morey, John Oldham, Thomas Oltmanns, Joel Paris, Chris Patrick, Katharine Phillips, Paul Pilkonis, Ralf Pukrop, Elsa Ronningstam, Doug Samuel, Charles A. Sanislow, Lori N. Scott, Martin Sellbom, Carla Sharp, Tracie Shea, Erik Simonsen, Andrew Skodol, Paul H. Soloff, Susan South, Matthew W. Southward, Michael Stone, Jennifer Tackett, Timothy J. Trull, David Vachon, Roel Verheul, Drew Westen, Aidan G. C. Wright, Shirley Yen, Peter Zachar, Mary C. Zanarini
ProQuest, Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences, EMBASE, EMcare, Index Medicus/ MEDLINE, International Review of Psychiatry, PsycINFO, Research Alert, SCOPUS, Social SciSearch, Social Sciences Citation Index.
The impact factor of this journal is 2.1 and the 5-year impact factor is 2.5 [2023 Journal Impact Factor, Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate 2024)].