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The Psychoanalytic Review

The Official Journal of the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis

Interim Editor: Aleksandra Wagner, PhD

ISSN: 00332836
Volume 112, 2025
Issues Per Year: 4
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The Psychoanalytic Review was founded in 1913 as the first English-language journal dedicated to psychoanalysis, four years after Freud’s only visit to the U.S. Its co-founders and editors advocated that the journal present general psychodynamic and psychoanalytic perspective on behavior that was free of sectarian bias.

Currently a leading forum of critical discourse in psychoanalysis, The Psychoanalytic Review is highly respected for its penetrating analyses of contemporary theory and practice. The journal devotes special issues to important themes and thinkers, and reviews current films and books that hold significance for the psychoanalytic community. Recent special issues have included: Art and Psychoanalysis, Books in Depth; and Mass Migration.

Contributors have included such noted authorities as Barnaby B. Barratt, Morris Eagle, Michael Eigen, Merle Molofsky, and Vamık D. Volkan.

Editorial Board

Associate Editor
Carl Jacobs

Book Review Editor
Gary Ahlskog

Assistant Book Review Editor
Kerstin E. Pahl

Editorial Board
Helene Bass-Wichelhaus, Paul Cooper, Edgard Francisco Danielsen, Laura D’Angelo, Mary Edlow, Lee Jenkins, Judy Ann Kaplan, Susan Kassouf, Emma Lieber, Victoria Malkin, Douglas Maxwell, Merle Molofsky, Orna Ophir, Arthur Pomponio, Gavriel Reisner, Ruth Rosenbaum, Jonathan Shehee, Stefanie Teitelbaum, Peter Zimmermann

Board of Consultants
Alan J. Barnett, PhD, Editor Emeritus, The Psychoanalytic Review (2008–2016)
Marco Conci, MD, German and Italian Psychoanalytic Society, Co-editor, International Forum of Psychoanalysis
Joan Copjec, PhD, Department of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University
Michael Eigen, PhD, Editor Emeritus, The Psychoanalytic Review (2004–2008)
Patricia Gherovici, PhD, Pulsion: The International Institute of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychosomatics
Miguel Angel Gonzales-Torres, MD, PhD, Centro Psicoanalítico de Madrid, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain
Nicolas Gougoulis, MD, Société Psychanalytique de Paris
Jonathan House, MD, Founder and Publisher, Unconscious in Translation
Nancy McWilliams, PhD, Visiting Professor Emerita, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Michael O’Loughlin, PhD, Derner School of Psychology, Adelphi University, Co-editor, Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society
Arnold D. Richards, MD, Founder and Publisher, International Psychoanalytic Books
Peter L. Rudnytsky, PhD, Department of English, University of Florida


Abstracts in Anthropology, ProQuest, Biological Abstracts, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, International Bibliography of Book Reviews, International Bibliography of Periodic Literature, PsycINFO, SCOPUS, Sociological Abstracts.