Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology

Editor: Thomas E. Joiner, PhD
Florida State University

ISSN: 07367236
Volume 43, 2024
Issues Per Year: 6
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Associate Editors
Cynthia D. Mohr, Portland State University
Jeremy Pettit, Florida International University
April Smith, Auburn University
Justin W. Weeks, Nebraska Medicine, Nebraska Medical Center

Editorial Board
Lauren B. Alloy, Anna Bardone-Cone, Avi Besser, Thomas W. Britt, Steven H. Brown, Edward C. Chang, Valerian J. Derlega, Steve Duck, Dana Dunn, Brooke C. Feeney, Christopher Ferguson, Frank D. Fincham, Donelson R. Forsyth, Dolores E. Gallagher-Thompson, Richard C. Gilman, Peter Guarnaccia, Michael B. Gurtman, Emma Halliwell, Rick E. Ingram, Todd Kashdan, Anita Kelly, Irving Kirsch, Mark R. Leary, Robin J. Lewis, Joshua Lipsitz, Steven R. Lopez, Patrick Luyten, James E. Maddux, Brenda N. Major, David Marcus, Rowland S. Miller, Jack Naglieri, John Nezlek, Paula R. Pietromonaco, Janet Polivy, Deborah S. Richardson, John Riskind, Golan Shahar, James A. Shepperd, C. Veronica Smith, Bonnie Spring, Michael F. Steger, Calvin D. Stoltenberg, Jeanette Taylor, Howard A. Tennen, Todd Thrash, Otto Wahl, Elaine F. Walker, Gifford Weary, Thomas A. Widiger, Nathan L. Williams, S. Lloyd Williams, Barbara A. Winstead, Virgil Zeigler-Hill