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Children's Literature in the Reading Program

Fifth Edition
Engaging Young Readers in the 21st Century

Edited by Deborah A. Wooten, Lauren Aimonette Liang, and Bernice E. Cullinan
Foreword by Richard L. Allington

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
June 14, 2018
ISBN 9781462535828
Price: $54.00
233 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
June 15, 2018
ISBN 9781462535767
Price: $36.00
233 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
May 15, 2018
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Price: $36.00
233 Pages
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This indispensable teacher resource and course text, now revised and updated, addresses the “whats,” “whys,” and “how-tos” of incorporating outstanding children's literature into the K–8 reading program. A strong emphasis on diverse literature is woven throughout the fifth edition, with chapters emphasizing the need for books that reflect their readers and presenting dozens of carefully reviewed books that teachers will be eager to use in the classroom. Leading authorities provide advice on selecting texts, building core literacy and literary skills, supporting struggling readers, and maximizing engagement. The volume offers proven strategies for teaching specific genres and formats, such as fiction, nonfiction, picturebooks, graphic novels, biographies, and poetry. This title is a copublication with the International Literacy Association.

New to This Edition

“Diverse children’s literature has the power to take us vicariously to lands and times we can only imagine, making immigrants of us all as we learn to walk in another’s path. This enthralling resource will help teachers facilitate this journey. Critically analyzing varying genres and formats of children’s literature, the authors invite teachers to successfully adopt high-quality books on a range of topics. This updated fifth edition is an invaluable resource.”

—Ruth McKoy Lowery, PhD, Department of Teaching and Learning, The Ohio State University

“Offers a wealth of information for anyone who desires to support the reading development of children. In this interesting, well-written fifth edition, readers learn about exemplary children’s books from a wide variety of genres and cultures and discover evidence-based ideas for how to engage students effectively in the reading and discussion of these books. Preservice and practicing teachers alike will feel confident implementing the ideas shared by highly knowledgeable scholars in the field of children’s literature. Purchasing this book is a sound investment in your professional library.”

—Patricia E. Bandré, PhD, reading instructional specialist, Salina Public Schools, Kansas

“An increased focus on using diverse literature in K–8 classrooms and several entirely new chapters make this fifth edition a great resource for teachers, teacher educators, and library media specialists who want to incorporate literature in the reading language arts curriculum. From a chapter on the arts, diversity, and picturebooks, to one focused on transitional chapter books, to another exploring nonfiction narrative styles, the material presented here helps teachers select literature and strategies that will engage and motivate their students.”

—Lee Galda, PhD, Marguerite Henry Professor of Children's and Young Adult Literature (Emerita), University of Minnesota

“The fifth edition continues the legacy of earlier editions by remaining timely and relevant. It provides specific strategies that are grounded in research-based theory and accompanied by authentic examples of student interactions with high-quality books. Teachers will be inspired to use the best children’s literature available today to enrich their students' understanding of themselves and the world.”

—Junko Yokota, PhD, Director, Center for Teaching through Children’s Books, National Louis University

Table of Contents

I. Creating an Open Invitation for All

1. Reading Multiculturally, Globally, and Critically in Literacy Education: Books as Messengers for Diversity, Barbara A. Lehman

2. Creating Independent Readers: The Role of Reading Aloud and Sustained Silent Reading, Teri S. Lesesne, Lauren Aimonette Liang, & Adrienne Lowe

3. Addressing “Struggle”: Strengthening the Literary Bonds between Children and Books, Jennifer M. Graff

II. Inviting Students with the Arts

4. Racially Diverse Children’s Literature and Arts Education, Alan R. Bailey & Jonda C. McNair

5. “Can We Play This Story?”: Story-Based Process Drama with Language Learners, Erin Greeter & Nancy Roser

6. Picturebook as Art Object: Developing Art Appreciation through Speculative Pondering, Cyndi Giorgis

III. Inviting Students with Specific Genres and Special Formats

7. Biographical Picturebooks Are Winning Awards and Teachers’ and Students’ Attention, Deborah A. Wooten & Katie M. Rowe

8. “Really Reading” and Really Responding: Response and Deep Understanding with Transitional Readers, Lauren Aimonette Liang & Adrienne Lowe

9. Comics in the Classroom: Using Graphic Novels for Content Learning, Stergios Botzakis

10. To Develop Proficiency and Engagement, Give Series Books to Novice Readers!, Anne McGill-Franzen & Natalia Ward

11. “It Was Like Marc Was My Friend”: How Visible Authors of Nonfiction Reach Out to Their Readers, and How Readers Can Respond, Marc Aronson & Myra Zarnowski

12. Creating a Community of Poetry Enthusiasts, David L. Harrison

IV. Resources to Help You Continue the Invitation

13. Where Do We Go from Here?: Resources to Connect, Engage, and Inspire, James W. Stiles & Thomas Crisp

About the Editors

Deborah A. Wooten, PhD, is Associate Professor of Reading in the Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her research focuses on the use of high-quality, culturally rich children’s and young adult literature to teach literacy and content-area skills. Dr. Wooten is a member of the Notable Books for a Global Society committee of the International Literacy Association (ILA) and has served on the Outstanding International Books committee of the United States Board on Books for Young People. Currently she serves on the board of directors of the Children’s Literature Assembly and of the Children’s Literature and Reading special interest group of the ILA.

Lauren Aimonette Liang, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Utah. Her research and teaching focus on children’s literature and comprehension instruction. Dr. Liang was a member of the 2017 Caldecott Medal Committee of the American Library Association and is president-elect of the Children’s Literature Assembly. She serves on editorial boards and committees for the United States Board on Books for Young People and the International Literacy Association, and currently holds the University Professorship Award at the University of Utah.

Bernice E. Cullinan, PhD, was Professor Emeritus at New York University until her death in 2015. She was known nationally and internationally for her work in children’s literature. Dr. Cullinan wrote more than 30 books on literature for classroom teachers and librarians. She served as president of the International Literacy Association (ILA), was inducted into the Reading Hall of Fame, and was a recipient of the Arbuthnot Award for Outstanding Teacher of Children’s Literature from the ILA.


Marc Aronson, PhD, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey

Alan R. Bailey, MLS, J. Y. Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina

Stergios Botzakis, PhD, Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee

Thomas Crisp, PhD, Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia

Cyndi Giorgis, PhD, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University, Glendale, Arizona

Jennifer M. Graff, PhD, Department of Language and Literacy Education, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Erin Greeter, PhD, Education Department, Keene State College, Keene, New Hampshire

David L. Harrison, LitD, Poet Laureate, Drury University, Springfield, Missouri

Barbara A. Lehman, EdD, School of Teaching and Learning (Emeritus), Ohio State University, Mansfield, Ohio

Teri S. Lesesne, EdD, Department of Library Science, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas

Lauren Aimonette Liang, PhD, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

Adrienne Lowe, MEd, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

Anne McGill-Franzen, PhD, Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee

Jonda C. McNair, PhD, College of Education, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina

Nancy Roser, EdD, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas

Katie M. Rowe, MA, Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee

James W. Stiles, PhD, Treasurer and Past President, Children’s Literature Assembly, Dunedin, Florida

Natalia Ward, PhD, Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee

Deborah A. Wooten, PhD, Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee

Myra Zarnowski, EdD, Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Queens College, City University of New York, Queens, New York


K–8 classroom teachers, reading specialists/coaches, staff developers, and library media specialists; teacher educators and graduate students.

Course Use

Serves as a text in graduate-level courses such as Children’s Literature, Language Arts, and Reading and Literacy Methods.
New to this edition: