| Joe SalvatoreJoe Salvatore, MFA, is Clinical Professor of Educational Theatre at the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development at New York University (NYU), where he teaches courses in ethnodrama, verbatim performance, community-engaged theatre, and new play development. He also serves as Vice Chair for Academic Affairs for Steinhardt's Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions. In 2017, Mr. Salvatore founded the Verbatim Performance Lab, which, under his direction, has created over 25 video and live performance projects and has facilitated outreach and education programs throughout the United States. He is a recipient of honors including the Johnny Saldaña Outstanding Professor of Theatre Education Award from the American Alliance for Theatre and Education, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Faculty Award from NYU, the Teaching Excellence Award and the Champions of Equity Gender and Trans Justice Award from the Steinhardt School, and the Dedication to Education Award from the NYU LGBTQ Student Center. Mr. Salvatore is a cluster member of the University of British Columbia’s Research-Based Theatre Collaborative, a collaborating faculty member with Arts & Health @ NYU, an advisory board member for Artists’ Literacies Institute, an alumnus of the Lincoln Center Directors Lab, and a member of the Dramatists Guild of America.