We at Guilford take protecting our copyrights seriously. If you suspect you have been sold a counterfeit copy of a Guilford work or find Guilford materials on file-sharing websites which you suspect are posted in violation of our copyright, please fill in the appropriate form below. We will investigate, and will take necessary action.

File-Sharing Violations

If you find Guilford materials on file-sharing websites which you suspect are posted in violation of our copyright, please fill in the form below. We will investigate, and will request that unauthorized files be removed. One form should be used per website, including all titles or multiple postings of any title that appear on that same website.

Counterfeit Copies

To report a suspected counterfeit copy of any Guilford product, please provide the following information:

If it turns out the product you purchased is counterfeit, you may wish to report the issue to the reseller and request a refund. Do not return the counterfeit merchandise.

If you have questions or comments, use the web form on this page or write to piracy@guilford.com.