ADHD in Adolescents
Development, Assessment, and Treatment
Edited by Stephen P. Becker
Foreword by Russell A. Barkley
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderDecember 25, 2019
ISBN 9781462541836
Price: $61.00426 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Bringing together leading authorities, this much-needed volume synthesizes current knowledge about the nature, impact, and treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the crucial developmental period of adolescence. Contributors explore the distinct challenges facing teens with ADHD as they navigate intensifying academic demands; new risks in the areas of driving, substance use, and romantic relationships; and co-occurring mental health problems. Best practices in clinical assessment are presented. Chapters on treatment—several of which include illustrative case examples—review interventions targeting motivation, executive functioning, and homework problems, as well as applications of cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness. The book also examines medication issues specific to this age group.