Computing Geographically
Bridging Giscience and Geography
David O'Sullivan
1. Building Bridges
- A History of My Spaces
- Plan of the Book
2. Location and Space
- The Nature of Space
- Space in Giscience
- Prospects for Relative/Relational Giscience
3. Scale and Projection
- Scale in Geographical Theory
- Scale in Giscience
- The Salience of Scale
4. Place and Meaning in Space
- From Space to Place-
- Place in Giscience
- Drawing Lines
- Territory and Territoriality
- When the Map Is and Is Not the Territory
- The Arbitrariness of Boundaries
- Moving On from Geometry
6. Relations, Networks, Flows
- Relations, Space, and Place
- Graph Drawings as (Possible) Projections
- Networks Are Flows Frozen in Place
7. Time and Dynamics
- Time and Space: A Coin with Two Sides
- Hägerstrand's Time Geography
- Limits to Time Geography
- Mobilities and Human Dynamics
- From Time to Dynamic Processes
8. Process and Pattern
- Process Philosophies
- The Place of Complexity Theory
- Simulation Models
- Process and Pattern Revisited
9. Doing Giscience Doing Geography
- Common Ground: A Space to Think
- Doing Giscience: Representation as a Process
- Toward Doing Differently
- Finally
About the Author