Hiperactivo, Impulsivo, Distraído ¿Me conoces?
Tercera edición
Guía Acerca del Déficit Atencional (TDAH) Para Padres, Maestros y Profesionales
José J. Bauermeister
Foreword by Russell A. Barkley
A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
orderJanuary 21, 2014
ISBN 9781462512362
Price: $16.95 323 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
José J. Bauermeister, PhD, es psicólogo clínico e investigador activo del TDAH. Profesor jubilado de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, el Dr. Bauermeister recibió el premio de Contribución Distinguida de la Asociación de Psicología de Puerto Rico, fue admitido al Salón de Fama de los Niños y Adultos con TDAH/TDA (CHADD), y fue electo Miembro Distinguido ("Fellow") en la Asociación Americana de Psicología en reconocimiento de sus aportaciones sobresalientes a la psicología. Ofrece numerosos talleres para profesionales y padres y es reconocido a nivel internacional por su trabajo en el campo.
José J. Bauermeister, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and active ADHD researcher. A retired professor from the University of Puerto Rico, Dr. Bauermeister is the recipient of a Distinguished Contribution award from the Puerto Rican Psychological Association, was inducted into the Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) Hall of Fame, and is an appointed Fellow of the American Psychological Association in recognition of his outstanding contributions to psychology. He presents numerous parent and professional workshops and is internationally known for his work in the field.
José J. Bauermeister, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and active ADHD researcher. A retired professor from the University of Puerto Rico, Dr. Bauermeister is the recipient of a Distinguished Contribution award from the Puerto Rican Psychological Association, was inducted into the Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) Hall of Fame, and is an appointed Fellow of the American Psychological Association in recognition of his outstanding contributions to psychology. He presents numerous parent and professional workshops and is internationally known for his work in the field.