Intervening in Adolescent Problem Behavior

A Family-Centered Approach

Thomas J. Dishion and Kate Kavanagh

May 22, 2003
ISBN 9781572308749
Price: $56.00
243 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
January 28, 2005
ISBN 9781593851729
Price: $37.00
243 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"

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This book presents a multilevel intervention and prevention program for at-risk adolescents and their families. Grounded in over 15 years of important clinical and developmental research, the Adolescent Transitions Program (ATP) has been nationally recognized as a best practice for strengthening families and reducing adolescent substance use and antisocial behavior. The major focus is to support parents' skills and motivation to reduce adolescent problem behavior and promote success. Spelling out the why, what, and how of this proactive, culturally informed intervention, the volume provides a solid scientific framework and all of the materials needed to implement the program in school or community settings. Included are illustrative case examples and an appendix featuring reproducible handouts and forms.