Motivational Interviewing in Nutrition and Fitness
Dawn Clifford and Laura Curtis
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderDecember 22, 2015
ISBN 9781462524198
Price: $54.00 276 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
orderDecember 23, 2015
ISBN 9781462524181
Price: $36.00 276 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
orderDecember 23, 2015
PDF and Accessible ePub ?
Price: $36.00 276 Pages
ePub is Global Certified Accessible
print + e-book $72.00 $43.20
orderPaperback + e-Book (PDF and Accessible ePub) ?
Price: 276 Pages
ePub is Global Certified Accessible
A new edition will be published July 29, 2025.
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Read a related Q&A from author Dawn Clifford!
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The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
“The MI perspective teaches practitioners to position sessions in a way that inspires clients to take ownership of their health by prioritizing changes clients feel are most important. A broad audience of health professionals, students, and interns will find this book a thorough resource and guide to the strategies essential to MI….This publication is generous with helpful practitioner–client scenarios and an appendix of counseling and MI resources. Downloadable handouts are a particularly valuable component of this book….At first read, the practitioner will have a good idea of how to incorporate MI in practice. Subsequent readings will allow practitioners to further develop and hone in on their techniques. Motivational Interviewing in Nutrition and Fitnessis a practical, user-friendly resource for practitioners and students interested in developing MI techniques using a weight-neutral approach. Educators searching for appropriate textbooks to adopt would find this a beneficial addition to the classroom.”

—Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
“It is a useful tool and resource for new and seasoned healthcare professionals alike.”

—Doody's Review Service
“This book is an excellent introduction to the general principles of MI, as well as specific strategies and techniques. The examples and scripts very clearly illustrate the use of MI in counseling for dietary and physical activity behavior change. As a Registered Dietitian, I especially liked the chapter on nutrition counseling, with its many extended scripts and ideas. The basic philosophy of MI is woven throughout the book, and it is a delight!”

—Ellen Glovsky, PhD, RD, LDN, Department of Health Sciences, Northeastern University; member, Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers
“This book fills a void in the education of nutrition and exercise professionals. Professors and students will welcome its comprehensive and practical approach to the powerful process of MI. Even the most experienced professional will find useful ideas to apply in practice. Return again and again to gain skill and to boost confidence in guiding clients to make real changes.”

—Molly Kellogg, RD, LCSW, private practice, Philadelphia; member, Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers
“What a special book. Bar none, it is the most practical applied book I have encountered on how to use MI in nutrition and physical fitness counseling. The scenarios are easy to follow, and the authors are very careful to integrate MI with existing professional protocols. Up to date and refreshing, the book advocates weight-neutral mindful eating over traditional weight-focused nutritional counseling, and replaces exercising for its own sake with the idea of joyful physical activity. Parts of the book could be used in either nutrition or fitness courses, and it will serve as a stand-alone text in professional practice courses.”

—Don Morrow, PhD, School of Kinesiology, University of Western Ontario, Canada
“Provides excellent insights into MI and valuable guidance on how to implement it. The authors write in an accessible and engaging way, and include useful patient–practitioner dialogues throughout to illustrate important points. This book will appeal not only to practitioners and teachers, but also to students at all levels who want to gain practical knowledge about the use of MI in a clinical context.”

—Rachel Clare Povey, PhD, CPsychol, Centre for Health Psychology, Staffordshire University, United Kingdom
“Clifford and Curtis masterfully combine theory, practice, and research in this engaging book. The authors capture complex ideas in rich, realistic dialogues between practitioners and their clients. The style makes reading and comprehension easy. In their engaging flow from theory to practice, Clifford and Curtis guide readers toward an integrated awareness of the MI process as applied to issues of nutrition and fitness. This is a great book that helps readers 'get' the core concepts of MI and how to implement them in this area of health behavior change.”

—James Gavin, PhD, Department of Applied Human Sciences, Concordia University, Montreal, Québec, Canada
“Clifford and Curtis have created a great resource for training future consultants on applying the principles of MI to nutrition and fitness. The authors marry sound theory (transtheoretical model, self-determination theory) to applied practice to inform this 'how-to' guide. The book is full of helpful conversation examples and reproducible handouts that will aid the learning process. A major strength is that the authors' work is grounded in the Health at Every Size paradigm. Highly recommended!”

—Linda A. Keeler, EdD, CC-AASP, Associate Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Western Washington University

—Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
“It is a useful tool and resource for new and seasoned healthcare professionals alike.”

—Doody's Review Service
“This book is an excellent introduction to the general principles of MI, as well as specific strategies and techniques. The examples and scripts very clearly illustrate the use of MI in counseling for dietary and physical activity behavior change. As a Registered Dietitian, I especially liked the chapter on nutrition counseling, with its many extended scripts and ideas. The basic philosophy of MI is woven throughout the book, and it is a delight!”

—Ellen Glovsky, PhD, RD, LDN, Department of Health Sciences, Northeastern University; member, Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers
“This book fills a void in the education of nutrition and exercise professionals. Professors and students will welcome its comprehensive and practical approach to the powerful process of MI. Even the most experienced professional will find useful ideas to apply in practice. Return again and again to gain skill and to boost confidence in guiding clients to make real changes.”

—Molly Kellogg, RD, LCSW, private practice, Philadelphia; member, Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers
“What a special book. Bar none, it is the most practical applied book I have encountered on how to use MI in nutrition and physical fitness counseling. The scenarios are easy to follow, and the authors are very careful to integrate MI with existing professional protocols. Up to date and refreshing, the book advocates weight-neutral mindful eating over traditional weight-focused nutritional counseling, and replaces exercising for its own sake with the idea of joyful physical activity. Parts of the book could be used in either nutrition or fitness courses, and it will serve as a stand-alone text in professional practice courses.”

—Don Morrow, PhD, School of Kinesiology, University of Western Ontario, Canada
“Provides excellent insights into MI and valuable guidance on how to implement it. The authors write in an accessible and engaging way, and include useful patient–practitioner dialogues throughout to illustrate important points. This book will appeal not only to practitioners and teachers, but also to students at all levels who want to gain practical knowledge about the use of MI in a clinical context.”

—Rachel Clare Povey, PhD, CPsychol, Centre for Health Psychology, Staffordshire University, United Kingdom
“Clifford and Curtis masterfully combine theory, practice, and research in this engaging book. The authors capture complex ideas in rich, realistic dialogues between practitioners and their clients. The style makes reading and comprehension easy. In their engaging flow from theory to practice, Clifford and Curtis guide readers toward an integrated awareness of the MI process as applied to issues of nutrition and fitness. This is a great book that helps readers 'get' the core concepts of MI and how to implement them in this area of health behavior change.”

—James Gavin, PhD, Department of Applied Human Sciences, Concordia University, Montreal, Québec, Canada
“Clifford and Curtis have created a great resource for training future consultants on applying the principles of MI to nutrition and fitness. The authors marry sound theory (transtheoretical model, self-determination theory) to applied practice to inform this 'how-to' guide. The book is full of helpful conversation examples and reproducible handouts that will aid the learning process. A major strength is that the authors' work is grounded in the Health at Every Size paradigm. Highly recommended!”

—Linda A. Keeler, EdD, CC-AASP, Associate Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Western Washington University