Rethinking the Power of Maps
Denis Wood
With John Fels and John Krygier
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderApril 16, 2010
ISBN 9781593853662
Price: $51.00 335 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
This book was published May 2010. The precursor to this book, The Power of Maps, is still available.
A contemporary follow-up to the groundbreaking Power of Maps, this book takes a fresh look at what maps do, whose interests they serve, and how they can be used in surprising, creative, and radical ways. Denis Wood describes how cartography facilitated the rise of the modern state and how maps continue to embody and project the interests of their creators. He demystifies the hidden assumptions of mapmaking and explores the promises and limitations of diverse counter-mapping practices today. Thought-provoking illustrations include U.S. Geological Survey maps; electoral and transportation maps; and numerous examples of critical cartography, participatory GIS, and map art.