Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy
Understanding and Addressing the Sacred
Kenneth I. Pargament
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderJuly 1, 2011
ISBN 9781609189938
Price: $41.00 384 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 2007
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From a leading researcher and practitioner, this volume provides an innovative framework for understanding the role of spirituality in people's lives and its relevance to the work done in psychotherapy. It offers fresh, practical ideas for creating a spiritual dialogue with clients, assessing spirituality as a part of their problems and solutions, and helping them draw on spiritual resources in times of stress. Written from a nonsectarian perspective, the book encompasses both traditional and nontraditional forms of spirituality. It is grounded in current findings from psychotherapy research and the psychology of religion, and includes a wealth of evocative case material.