The Relational Trauma of Incest

A Family-Based Approach to Treatment

Marcia Sheinberg and Peter Fraenkel

November 3, 2000
ISBN 9781572305991
Price: $41.00
220 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"

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This volume presents a groundbreaking understanding of incest and an innovative, family-based approach to treatment. The authors show that while not all incestuously abused children experience the classic diagnostic symptoms of trauma, virtually all do experience “relational trauma” —disruptions in the sense of safety, security, loyalty, and trust that may block connection and communication with nonoffending family members. Systematically combining individual and family sessions, the relational treatment model focuses on strengthening the child's protective relationships, mobilizing the family to help resolve the child's emotional and behavioral symptoms, and building the family's resiliency. Filled with annotated case material that illuminates the challenging treatment choices and dilemmas facing the clinician, this book offers essential guidance for anyone working with families in which incest has occurred.