The World of Maps
Map Reading and Interpretation for the 21st Century
Judith A. Tyner
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderSeptember 22, 2014
ISBN 9781462516483
Price: $72.00237 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
Maps have power—they can instruct, make life easier, mislead, or even lie. This engaging text provides the tools to read, analyze, and use any kind of map and assess its strengths and weaknesses. Requiring no advanced math skills, the book presents basic concepts of symbolization, scale, coordinate systems, and projections. It gives students a deeper understanding of the types of maps they encounter every day, from turn-by-turn driving directions to the TV weather report. Readers also learn how to use multiple maps and imagery to analyze an area or region. The book includes 168 figures, among them 22 color plates; most of the figures can be downloaded as PowerPoint slides from the companion website. Appendices contain a glossary, recommended resources, a table of commonly used projections, and more.