Audio Tracks

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1. Self-Compassion Break (5:20; Kristin Neff) - stream - download

2. Self-Compassion Break (12:21; Christopher Germer) - stream - download

3. Affectionate Breathing (21:28; Kristin Neff) - stream - download

4. Affectionate Breathing (18:24; Christopher Germer) - stream - download

5. Loving-Kindness for a Loved One (17:08; Kristin Neff) - stream - download

6. Loving-Kindness for a Loved One (14:47; Christopher Germer) - stream - download

7. Finding Loving-Kindness Phrases (23:02; Christopher Germer) - stream - download

8. Loving-Kindness for Ourselves (20:40; Christopher Germer) - stream - download

9. Compassionate Body Scan (23:55; Kristin Neff) - stream - download

10. Compassionate Body Scan (43:36; Christopher Germer) - stream - download

11. Giving and Receiving Compassion (20:48; Kristin Neff) - stream - download

12. Giving and Receiving Compassion (21:20; Christopher Germer) - stream - download

13. Working with Difficult Emotions (16:01; Kristin Neff) - stream - download

14. Working with Difficult Emotions (16:09; Christopher Germer) - stream - download

15. Compassionate Friend (18:09; Kristin Neff) - stream - download

16. Compassionate Friend (15:05; Christopher Germer) - stream - download

17. Compassion with Equanimity (14:38; Christopher Germer) - stream - download

Audio Stream

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