Reproducible Materials

Audio Tracks

These audio files are provided solely for the use of purchasers of The Mindful Way through Stress. Before downloading or streaming files from this page, see the Terms of Use below. Please refer to the book for more information about the meditation practices and how to use them.

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1. Two-Minute Mindfulness Exercise—2 minutes (Chapter 1) - stream - download

2. Opening Awareness Meditation—10 minutes (Chapter 4) - stream - download

3. Uncovering Your Intention: Mindful Ocean Visualization—10 minutes (Chapter 4) - stream - download

4. Mindfully Eating an Apple—10 minutes (Chapter 4) - stream - download

5. Mindful Belly Breathing—10 minutes (Chapter 4) - stream - download

6. Mini-Body Scan Meditation—10 minutes (Chapter 4) - stream - download

7. Full Body Scan Meditation—30 minutes (Chapter 4) - stream - download

8. Mindful Pause Meditation—2 minutes (Chapter 5) - stream - download

9. Mini- Mindful Yoga—10 minutes (Chapter 6) - stream - download

10. Full Mindful Yoga—30 minutes (Chapter 6) - stream - download

11. Mindful Walking—10 minutes - stream - download

12. Mindfulness of Breath Meditation—10 minutes (Chapter 6) - stream - download

13. Mini- Mindfulness of Breath and Body Meditation—10 minutes (Chapter 7) - stream - download

14. Full Mindfulness of Breath and Body Meditation—20 minutes (Chapter 7) - stream - download

15. Mini- Expanding Awareness Meditation—10 minutes (Chapter 8) - stream - download

16. Full Expanding Awareness Meditation—30 minutes (Chapter 8) - stream - download

17. Responding to Stress Meditation—10 minutes (Chapter 9) - stream - download

18. Mountain Meditation—20 minutes (Chapter 10) - stream - download

19. Lake Meditation—20 minutes (Chapter 10) - stream - download

20. Loving-Kindness Meditation—30 minutes (Chapter 10) - stream - download

21. Silence with a Bell in Between—10 minutes total - stream - download

22. Silence with Bells Every 5 Minutes—30 minutes total - stream - download

23. Silence with Bells Every 10 Minutes—30 minutes total - stream - download

24. Silence with Bells Every 15 Minutes—45 minutes total - stream - download

Audio Stream:

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The Publisher grants to individual purchasers of The Mindful Way through Stress nonassignable permission to stream and download the audio files on this Web page. This license is limited to you, the individual purchaser, for personal use. This license does not grant the right to reproduce these materials for resale, redistribution, broadcast, or any other purposes (including but not limited to books, pamphlets, articles, video- or audiotapes, blogs, file-sharing sites, Internet or intranet sites, and handouts or slides for lectures, workshops, or webinars, whether or not a fee is charged) in audio form or in transcription. Permission to reproduce these materials for these and any other purposes must be obtained in writing from the Permissions Department of Guilford Publications.

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