Most Guilford titles are available as e-books!

Most Guilford titles are available as e-books. For titles that are nearing publication, the e-book format(s) will be published simultaneously with the print edition.

To search for a title, please contact your vendor or select from the list below:

Note: Guilford's workflow for accessible ePub e-books has been accredited as Global Certified Accessible (GCA) by Benetech. GCA is the first-ever program to certify the accessibility of e-books. We currently offer several certified accessible ePubs meeting WCAG 2.0 AA standards. Check with your vendor to confirm they are offering Guilford's certified accessible ePubs. Going forward, we are transitioning toward designing all of our e-book formats and editions with accessibility elements.

For inquiries, including customer e-book collections or resource recommendations, please contact