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Step-by-Step Guide to Purchasing and Downloading Guilford e-Books


To order your e-book, you can search for e-books or browse e-books by subject area. Once you find your e-book, add it to your shopping cart. Click on "checkout" when you are finished shopping.


After you place your order, you will be taken to a confirmation page with links to download all available formats of your e-book. The download process will usually take between two seconds and two minutes, depending on the speed of your connection.

Your e-book download link(s) will also be repeated in your order confirmation email. If you have any trouble accessing your download link(s) from the order confirmation page, please check your confirmation email or log on to the Your Account page to access your e-book(s).

Note: Some older devices may not support every e-book format in every browser. For example, if you have a very old iOS device, you may need to download your ePub in the Safari browser instead of the Chrome browser. Please contact us at if you have any trouble downloading your e-book on your device.

Note: If you've pre-ordered an e-book, we will notify you by email as soon as it becomes available.


If you download your e-book on your computer, feel free to transfer your e-book to your e-reader of choice.

Note: If you want to transfer your e-book to your Amazon Kindle, you will need to convert the ePub format to read it on your Kindle. There are many online guides to walk you through this process.

All e-books are sold for individual personal use and are not to be shared with others. If you wish to purchase copies of e-books for multiple users, contact If you have any problems with your e-book order that are not addressed on our e-books FAQ page, please contact: