Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Digital Archive
Volume 1, 1973 - Volume 28, 2000
Formerly the Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry
Volumes 1 through 28 inclusive, four issues per volume, Years 1973 to 2000
112 issues, 1,279 articles
Price: $75.00
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PDPS Back Volume Digital Archives: Get unlimited access to premiere research from Vol. 1 (1973) - Vol. 28 (2000) as well as searchability by title, author, or keyword across all archives. Individuals can purchase the full archives. Contact us for Institutional pricing.
Check out the Psychodynamic Psychiatry page for a wide variety of content and information.
Check out the Psychodynamic Psychiatry page for a wide variety of content and information.