ACT for Anorexia Nervosa

A Guide for Clinicians

Rhonda M. Merwin, Nancy L. Zucker, and Kelly G. Wilson

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
July 9, 2019
ISBN 9781462540358
Price: $66.00
286 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
July 25, 2019
ISBN 9781462540341
Price: $44.00
286 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
June 10, 2019
Price: $44.00
286 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $88.00 $52.80
286 Pages
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The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
Introduction: What is ACT?

1. The Phenomenology and Conceptualization of Anorexia Nervosa from an ACT Perspective sample

2. Overview, Orienting Clients to Treatment, and Forming a Therapeutic Alliance

3. ACT Case Formulation, Assessment, and Treatment Planning

4. Weight Restoration

5. Working with Parents, Partners, or Other Family Members of Individuals with Anorexia Nervosa

6. Creating a Context for Change

7. Acceptance: Allowing Unwanted Internal Experiences

8. Helping Clients Author and Engage Personal Values

9. Defusing Language and Contacting the Present Moment

10. Sensing the Self

11. Treatment Progress and Termination and Final Thoughts for the Therapist