ADHD in the Schools
Third Edition
Assessment and Intervention Strategies
George J. DuPaul and Gary Stoner
Foreword by Robert Reid
2. Assessment of ADHD in School Settings
3. ADHD and Comorbidity: Practical Considerations for School-Based Professionals
Appendix 3.1: Zirkel Checklist for Performing Eligibility for Special Education Services
4. Early Screening, Identification, and Intervention
5. Supports and Interventions in Elementary School
6. Interventions and Supports in Secondary and Postsecondary Schools
7. Medication Therapy
Appendix 7.1: Stimulant Medication Treatment of ADHD: A Teacher Handout
8. Adjunctive Interventions for ADHD
9. Communication with Parents, Professionals, and Students
Appendix 9.1: Suggested Readings on ADHD and Related Difficulties for Parents and Teachers
Appendix 9.2: Referral Letter to a Physician
Appendix 9.3: Referral to Physician for Possible Medication Trial
Appendix 9.4: Description of Medication Trial to Physician
Appendix 9.5: Report of Results of Medication Trial to Physician
10. Conclusions and Future Directions