Academic Skills Problems Fifth Edition Workbook
Fifth Edition
Edward S. Shapiro and Nathan H. Clemens
A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
orderJuly 6, 2023
ISBN 9781462551385
Price: $42.00 164 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
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“In the fifth edition, Clemens has updated and enhanced Shapiro’s foundational text and companion workbook with extensive new information based on contemporary research and practice. Using the keystone model of academic skills as an overarching framework, the fifth edition provides practical guidance about research-based assessment and intervention procedures; equally important, it offers caveats about popular but largely ineffective tactics. This book will continue to be a fundamental text in school psychology training programs as well as a go-to resource for practitioners who work in multi-tiered systems of support. It really operationalizes how school psychologists should function. The fifth edition of the Workbook again offers useful reproducible forms and detailed procedures that support work in an instructional environment context.”

—Joseph F. Kovaleski, DEd, NCSP, Professor Emeritus of Educational and School Psychology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
“Prior editions have been staple texts in psychoeducational assessment and intervention courses. The fifth edition of the text and workbook, updating Shapiro's foundational framework, are more inclusive of different types of assessments and offer critical considerations for implementation within response-to-intervention models. Clemens expands on the theoretical bases of academic skills to help professionals gain a deeper understanding of the assessments and interventions they are using. Graduate students, practitioners, and faculty in school psychology and special education all will benefit from using the fifth edition to inform their work.”

—Ethan R. Van Norman, PhD, School Psychology Program, Lehigh University
“Like prior editions, the fifth edition of Academic Skills Problems is a 'must' for any educator’s toolbox. Together, the text and workbook serve as an easy reference and support, with clearly organized topics treated in a thorough manner. The updated fifth edition is an apt tribute to the lifetime work of an incredible scholar, teacher, and mentor.”

—John L. Hosp, PhD, Special Education Program, University of Massachusetts Amherst
“Academic Skills Problems is the preeminent text for examining and understanding academic skills from a behavioral perspective. The Workbook expands on the steps presented in the textbook, offering detailed descriptions, scoring examples, practice opportunities, and reproducible materials for use in training and practice. It offers practical, step-by-step instructions for implementation of Shapiro's model. The fifth edition includes expanded content on MTSS implementation and data analysis, which will support efforts to scale systems-level supports for academic skills. I particularly value the exercises on data-based decision making at both the individual and group levels. Together, the Workbook and its companion text are the primary books I rely on for our doctoral-level Academic Skills Assessment course.”

—Milena A. Keller-Margulis, PhD, School Psychology Doctoral Program, University of Houston

—Joseph F. Kovaleski, DEd, NCSP, Professor Emeritus of Educational and School Psychology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
“Prior editions have been staple texts in psychoeducational assessment and intervention courses. The fifth edition of the text and workbook, updating Shapiro's foundational framework, are more inclusive of different types of assessments and offer critical considerations for implementation within response-to-intervention models. Clemens expands on the theoretical bases of academic skills to help professionals gain a deeper understanding of the assessments and interventions they are using. Graduate students, practitioners, and faculty in school psychology and special education all will benefit from using the fifth edition to inform their work.”

—Ethan R. Van Norman, PhD, School Psychology Program, Lehigh University
“Like prior editions, the fifth edition of Academic Skills Problems is a 'must' for any educator’s toolbox. Together, the text and workbook serve as an easy reference and support, with clearly organized topics treated in a thorough manner. The updated fifth edition is an apt tribute to the lifetime work of an incredible scholar, teacher, and mentor.”

—John L. Hosp, PhD, Special Education Program, University of Massachusetts Amherst
“Academic Skills Problems is the preeminent text for examining and understanding academic skills from a behavioral perspective. The Workbook expands on the steps presented in the textbook, offering detailed descriptions, scoring examples, practice opportunities, and reproducible materials for use in training and practice. It offers practical, step-by-step instructions for implementation of Shapiro's model. The fifth edition includes expanded content on MTSS implementation and data analysis, which will support efforts to scale systems-level supports for academic skills. I particularly value the exercises on data-based decision making at both the individual and group levels. Together, the Workbook and its companion text are the primary books I rely on for our doctoral-level Academic Skills Assessment course.”

—Milena A. Keller-Margulis, PhD, School Psychology Doctoral Program, University of Houston