Academic Skills Problems
Fifth Edition
Direct Assessment and Intervention
Edward S. Shapiro and Nathan H. Clemens
Foreword by Jay Shapiro, Dan Shapiro, and Sally Shapiro
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderJuly 24, 2023
ISBN 9781462551194
Price: $72.00 552 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderJune 30, 2023
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Price: $72.00 552 Pages
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Price: 552 Pages
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New to this edition:
- Revised throughout by new coauthor Nathan H. Clemens, while retaining the core elements of Edward S. Shapiro's approach.
- New emphasis on the central role of language in reading, mathematics, and writing development and difficulties, and implications for working more effectively with linguistically and culturally diverse students.
- Fresh perspectives on behaviors that facilitate learning, such as attention to task and following directions.
- Updated and expanded coverage of key topics—universal screening; progress monitoring; intensive, individualized academic skills interventions; and more.