Accommodations in Higher Education under the Americans with Disabilities Act

A No-Nonsense Guide for Clinicians, Educators, Administrators, and Lawyers

Edited by Michael Gordon and Shelby Keiser

February 15, 2000
ISBN 9781572303232
Price: $37.00
236 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 1998

This book is available in alternate formats for people with disabilities. Contact Guilford Customer Service for details.

Foreword, Alta Lapoint

Preface, Michael Gordon and Shelby Keiser

1. Underpinnings, Michael Gordon and Shelby Keiser

2. Documentation Requirements for Educational Accommodations: An Administrator's View, Joan M. McGuire

3. Documentation Requirements for Test Accommodations: An Administrator's View, Shelby Keiser

4. The Americans with Disabilities Act: Legal Requirements for Clinical Evaluations, James G. Frierson

5. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Michael Gordon and Kevin R. Murphy

6. Language Based Learning Disabilities, Barbara J. Lorry

7. Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Lauren Wylonis and Edward Schweizer

8. Physical Disorders, Stanley Wainapel

9. Visual Disorders, Dysfunctions, and Disabilities, David A. Damari

10. Last Words, Michael Gordon and Shelby Keiser

Appendix A. The AHEAD guidelines for Learning Disabilities

Appendix B. Consortium Guidelines for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder