Adapting Cognitive Therapy for Depression
Managing Complexity and Comorbidity
Edited by Mark A. Whisman
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderFebruary 5, 2008
ISBN 9781593856380
Price: $72.00 448 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
“This book will be relevant to a wide audience....A helpful feature of the book is the consistent structure of each chapter; assessment and conceptualization, treatment including useful adaptations to standard approach, a case illustration, and finally a review of efficacy research. After Part I, chapters are stand alone, allowing the clinicians to quickly read up on a particular topic....The book offers a good introduction to adapting CT for complex depression.”

—Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy
“This book brings together a number of leaders in the field, who provide useful lessons learned from many years of experience in treating depression....The strengths of this book lay not only in the breadth of complexities and comorbidities covered, but also in the common structure across chapters within Parts 2-4, where clinicians are guided through a logical sequence of theory, research, and practical application.”

—Drug and Alcohol Review
“Useful to therapists irrespective of theoretical orientation....Whisman's treatment of CT includes detailed explanations and case examples of these processes applied to the actual processes of psychotherapy for a wide variety of populations and clinical concerns....Whisman effectively illustrates the breadth and depth of the phenomenon of comorbidity in both conceptual and practical terms. The critical thinking of practitioners and researchers will be stimulated and challenged. Adapting Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Managing Complexity and Comorbidity fulfills its promise by providing conceptual information and case examples illustrating the wide impact of comorbidity on the practice of CT for depression.”

“This volume focuses on key, increasingly acknowledged challenges in treating depression. The coverage is thorough and comprehensive, with chapters on a wide range of difficult-to-treat forms of depression, comorbid disorders, and special populations, all written by leading researchers in the field. A particular strength of each chapter is a detailed and fully-worked-through case example, plus a brief review of the empirical evidence. This is an excellent resource for therapists working with depressed clients.”

—Edward R. Watkins, PhD, Mood Disorders Centre, School of Psychology, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
“This book is a major accomplishment in the cognitive therapy field. Whisman's contributors are leading authorities, and the range and scope of the text will make it highly useful for both practitioners and researchers. This is a 'must read' for psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers who want to review the latest developments in cognitive therapy.”

—James P. McCullough, Jr., PhD, Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, Virginia Commonwealth University
“This book is a most welcome complement to the many excellent basic guides to the cognitive therapy (CT) of depression. It is an excellent choice for an advanced course in psychotherapy or CT, and it will find a place close at hand on the bookshelves of clinicians who wish to provide CT for depressed clients experiencing a wide range of comorbid disorders and complicating circumstances. Enlisting the efforts of world experts in CT, Whisman delivers an evidence-based, comprehensive toolbox, filled with vivid, edifying case examples and concrete, skill-building practice dialogues.”

—Robert J. DeRubeis, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania

—Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy
“This book brings together a number of leaders in the field, who provide useful lessons learned from many years of experience in treating depression....The strengths of this book lay not only in the breadth of complexities and comorbidities covered, but also in the common structure across chapters within Parts 2-4, where clinicians are guided through a logical sequence of theory, research, and practical application.”

—Drug and Alcohol Review
“Useful to therapists irrespective of theoretical orientation....Whisman's treatment of CT includes detailed explanations and case examples of these processes applied to the actual processes of psychotherapy for a wide variety of populations and clinical concerns....Whisman effectively illustrates the breadth and depth of the phenomenon of comorbidity in both conceptual and practical terms. The critical thinking of practitioners and researchers will be stimulated and challenged. Adapting Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Managing Complexity and Comorbidity fulfills its promise by providing conceptual information and case examples illustrating the wide impact of comorbidity on the practice of CT for depression.”

“This volume focuses on key, increasingly acknowledged challenges in treating depression. The coverage is thorough and comprehensive, with chapters on a wide range of difficult-to-treat forms of depression, comorbid disorders, and special populations, all written by leading researchers in the field. A particular strength of each chapter is a detailed and fully-worked-through case example, plus a brief review of the empirical evidence. This is an excellent resource for therapists working with depressed clients.”

—Edward R. Watkins, PhD, Mood Disorders Centre, School of Psychology, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
“This book is a major accomplishment in the cognitive therapy field. Whisman's contributors are leading authorities, and the range and scope of the text will make it highly useful for both practitioners and researchers. This is a 'must read' for psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers who want to review the latest developments in cognitive therapy.”

—James P. McCullough, Jr., PhD, Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, Virginia Commonwealth University
“This book is a most welcome complement to the many excellent basic guides to the cognitive therapy (CT) of depression. It is an excellent choice for an advanced course in psychotherapy or CT, and it will find a place close at hand on the bookshelves of clinicians who wish to provide CT for depressed clients experiencing a wide range of comorbid disorders and complicating circumstances. Enlisting the efforts of world experts in CT, Whisman delivers an evidence-based, comprehensive toolbox, filled with vivid, edifying case examples and concrete, skill-building practice dialogues.”

—Robert J. DeRubeis, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania