Adolescent Literacies
A Handbook of Practice-Based Research
Edited by Kathleen A. Hinchman and Deborah A. Appleman
Foreword by Donna E. Alvermann
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderDecember 1, 2016
ISBN 9781462527670
Price: $83.00 501 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderOctober 25, 2017
ISBN 9781462534524
Price: $55.00501 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
“This visionary text is the answer to an educator’s search for a comprehensive handbook on adolescent literacies. As a graduate text, the volume provides a solid foundation on adolescent identities, presents the variety of adolescent literacies, and discusses the use of multiple texts. Strengths include real-life examples, a strong research base supporting each topic, and insights that will provoke reflection and deep discussion.”

—Nancy Guth, PhD, Adjunct Instructor, College of Education, University of Mary Washington
“Hinchman and Appleman have given us a visionary, field-defining volume that is unprecedented in its comprehensiveness and in its inclusion of new media literacies, multilingualism, pedagogy, and diverse critical perspectives. The book assembles preeminent scholars to provide expert commentary on the state of research and its applications to informed, engaged literacy classroom practice. This handbook is a jewel and a 'must have' for scholar-practitioners.”

—Ernest Morrell, PhD, Macy Professor of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
“Adolescent Literacies is incredibly timely. The range and depth of topics covered in the book will be invaluable to teachers looking to improve how they approach literacy instruction in the age of the Common Core standards. Graduate students will benefit from the comprehensive coverage of research. Of particular value is the inclusion of an entire section on the multiple texts of adolescent literacy and several chapters on digital media, given how little play these issues get in teacher training and graduate preparation.”

—Gina Biancarosa, EdD, Department of Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership, University of Oregon
“I devoured this terrific book like a box of fine chocolates. I couldn't stop reading it, thanks to the motivating writing style of the editors and contributors and the remarkable, research-based instructional ideas they share. This volume should be required reading for all teachers in grades 5–12.”

—Diane Lapp, EdD, Distinguished Professor of Education, San Diego State University; instructional coach, Health Sciences High and Middle College
“I am grateful to Hinchman and Appleman for conceiving and bringing together this timely and significant work from leading researchers. Thought-provoking chapters—many of which challenge traditional approaches to adolescent literacy—present powerful arguments and provide new directions for instruction. I found I needed to read each chapter closely because the findings and ideas demanded reflection; many expanded my thinking about the contexts and possibilities for developing students’ literacies and gave me hope for the future. What a gift for educators!”

—Donna Ogle, EdD, Co-Director, Reading Leadership Institute, National Louis University

—Nancy Guth, PhD, Adjunct Instructor, College of Education, University of Mary Washington
“Hinchman and Appleman have given us a visionary, field-defining volume that is unprecedented in its comprehensiveness and in its inclusion of new media literacies, multilingualism, pedagogy, and diverse critical perspectives. The book assembles preeminent scholars to provide expert commentary on the state of research and its applications to informed, engaged literacy classroom practice. This handbook is a jewel and a 'must have' for scholar-practitioners.”

—Ernest Morrell, PhD, Macy Professor of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
“Adolescent Literacies is incredibly timely. The range and depth of topics covered in the book will be invaluable to teachers looking to improve how they approach literacy instruction in the age of the Common Core standards. Graduate students will benefit from the comprehensive coverage of research. Of particular value is the inclusion of an entire section on the multiple texts of adolescent literacy and several chapters on digital media, given how little play these issues get in teacher training and graduate preparation.”

—Gina Biancarosa, EdD, Department of Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership, University of Oregon
“I devoured this terrific book like a box of fine chocolates. I couldn't stop reading it, thanks to the motivating writing style of the editors and contributors and the remarkable, research-based instructional ideas they share. This volume should be required reading for all teachers in grades 5–12.”

—Diane Lapp, EdD, Distinguished Professor of Education, San Diego State University; instructional coach, Health Sciences High and Middle College
“I am grateful to Hinchman and Appleman for conceiving and bringing together this timely and significant work from leading researchers. Thought-provoking chapters—many of which challenge traditional approaches to adolescent literacy—present powerful arguments and provide new directions for instruction. I found I needed to read each chapter closely because the findings and ideas demanded reflection; many expanded my thinking about the contexts and possibilities for developing students’ literacies and gave me hope for the future. What a gift for educators!”

—Donna Ogle, EdD, Co-Director, Reading Leadership Institute, National Louis University