Assessing Performance
Designing, Scoring, and Validating Performance Tasks
Robert L. Johnson, James A. Penny, and Belita Gordon
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderOctober 10, 2008
ISBN 9781593859886
Price: $57.00 355 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Robert L. Johnson, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of South Carolina. His research focuses on the ethics of classroom assessment practices and the scoring of performance assessments in the language arts and the visual and performing arts. He also writes about the teaching of program evaluation and involvement of stakeholders in evaluations. Dr. Johnson's research has been published in such journals as Applied Measurement in Education, Language Assessment Quarterly, Assessing Writing, Teaching and Teacher Education,Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, and the American Journal of Evaluation. He teaches courses related to educational research, assessment, survey methodology, and program evaluation.
James A. Penny, PhD, is Senior Psychometrician at Castle Worldwide. He has been involved in assessment in writing, the visual and performing arts, and licensure and certification. His research focuses on the scoring of performance assessments and methods to improve the quality of scores associated with those assessments.
Belita Gordon, PhD, has been involved in assessment in writing, the visual and performing arts, and licensure and certification. Her research focuses on the scoring of performance assessments and methods to improve the quality of scores associated with those assessments.
James A. Penny, PhD, is Senior Psychometrician at Castle Worldwide. He has been involved in assessment in writing, the visual and performing arts, and licensure and certification. His research focuses on the scoring of performance assessments and methods to improve the quality of scores associated with those assessments.
Belita Gordon, PhD, has been involved in assessment in writing, the visual and performing arts, and licensure and certification. Her research focuses on the scoring of performance assessments and methods to improve the quality of scores associated with those assessments.