Assessment of Eating Disorders

Edited by James E. Mitchell and Carol B. Peterson

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
December 18, 2007
ISBN 9781593856427
Price: $37.00
242 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 2005
April 16, 2012
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Price: $37.00
242 Pages
Copyright Date: 2005
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Price: $74.00 $44.40
242 Pages
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James E. Mitchell, MD, is currently the NRI/Lee A. Christofferson MD Professor and Chair of the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences, and President and Scientific Director of the Neuropsychiatric Research Institute. Dr. Mitchell is on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Eating Disorders and the Eating Disorders Review, and he has published more than 300 articles and book chapters, as well as 12 books. His research is currently funded by the National Institute of Health.

Carol B. Peterson, PhD, received her doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Minnesota. She is currently a research associate and an assistant professor in the Eating Disorders Research Program at the University of Minnesota, where her investigations have focused on the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and obesity. Dr. Peterson has authored more than 50 articles and book chapters and has served as an investigator on several federally funded research projects focusing on eating disorders. She is also an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota and has a part-time private practice in which she specializes in the treatment of eating disorders.