Attachment from Infancy to Adulthood

The Major Longitudinal Studies

Edited by Klaus E. Grossmann, Karin Grossmann, and Everett Waters

March 21, 2005
ISBN 9781593851453
Price: $72.00
332 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
June 23, 2006
ISBN 9781593853815
Price: $48.00
332 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"

1. Ethology and Attachment Theory, Robert A. Hinde

2. In Pursuit of the Internal Working Model Construct and Its Relevance to Attachment Relationships, Inge Bretherton

3. Placing Early Attachment Experiences in Developmental Context: The Minnesota Longitudinal Study, L. Alan Sroufe, Byron Egeland, Elizabeth Carlson, and W. Andrew Collins

4. Attachment Theory and Research in Ecological Perspective: Insights from the Pennsylvania Infant and Family Development Project and the NICHD Study of Early Child Care, Jay Belsky

5. Early Care and the Roots of Attachment and Partnership Representations: The Bielefeld and Regensburg Longitudinal Studies, Karin Grossmann, Klaus E. Grossmann, and Heinz Kindler

6. Understanding and Resolving Emotional Conflict: The London Parent-Child Project, Howard Steele and Miriam Steele

7. Correlates of Attachment to Multiple Caregivers in Kibbutz Children from Birth to Emerging Adulthood: The Haifa Longitudinal Study, Avi Sagi-Schwartz and Ora Aviezer

8. The Interplay between Attachment, Temperament, and Maternal Style: A

Madingley Perspective, Joan Stevenson-Hinde

9. Attachment Representations, Secure-Base Behavior, and the Evolution of Adult Relationships: The Stony Brook Adult Relationships Project, Judith Crowell and Everett Waters

10. Predictability of Attachment Behavior and Representational Processes at 1, 6, and 19 Years of Age: The Berkeley Longitudinal Study, Mary Main, Erik Hesse, and Nancy Kaplan

11. Lessons from the Longitudinal Studies of Attachment, Mary Dozier, Melissa Manni, and Oliver Lindhiem