Beyond Decoding
The Behavioral and Biological Foundations of Reading Comprehension
Edited by Richard K. Wagner, Christopher Schatschneider, and Caroline Phythian-Sence
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderJune 19, 2009
ISBN 9781606233108
Price: $54.00 301 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Richard K. Wagner, PhD, is Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of Psychology at Florida State University and Associate Director of the Florida Center for Reading Research. His major area of research interest is the acquisition of complex cognitive knowledge and skills. In the domain of reading, Dr. Wagner’s research has focused on the role of reading-related phonological processing abilities in the normal and abnormal development of reading skills; the prediction, prevention, and remediation of dyslexia; and understanding the origins of individual and developmental differences in reading comprehension.
Christopher Schatschneider, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at Florida State University and Associate Director of the Florida Center for Reading Research. His research focuses on early reading development and reading disabilities. Dr. Schatschneider is also a trained methodologist who frequently provides assistance to investigators around design and analysis issues that arise when designing experiments and analyzing data from studies of early reading development. He is the Editor of Annals of Dyslexia and serves on the editorial boards of numerous journals.
Caroline Phythian-Sence, PhD, engages in research and pilot development for Reading Is Fundamental, UK, at the National Literacy Trust, in London, England. Previously, Dr. Phythian-Sence was a doctoral student of Richard Wagner at Florida State University and the Florida Center for Reading Research, where she studied vocabulary knowledge and its relation to comprehension.
Christopher Schatschneider, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at Florida State University and Associate Director of the Florida Center for Reading Research. His research focuses on early reading development and reading disabilities. Dr. Schatschneider is also a trained methodologist who frequently provides assistance to investigators around design and analysis issues that arise when designing experiments and analyzing data from studies of early reading development. He is the Editor of Annals of Dyslexia and serves on the editorial boards of numerous journals.
Caroline Phythian-Sence, PhD, engages in research and pilot development for Reading Is Fundamental, UK, at the National Literacy Trust, in London, England. Previously, Dr. Phythian-Sence was a doctoral student of Richard Wagner at Florida State University and the Florida Center for Reading Research, where she studied vocabulary knowledge and its relation to comprehension.