Binge-Eating Disorder
Clinical Foundations and Treatment
James E. Mitchell, Michael J. Devlin, Martina de Zwaan, Scott J. Crow, and Carol B. Peterson
A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
orderOctober 18, 2007
ISBN 9781593855949
Price: $41.00 214 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
“This book contains concise and useful information for the clinician and a practical manualized cognitive-behavioral treatment for BED.”

—Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
“This is an excellent book....It covers all of the current research and clinical treatment guidelines clearly and succinctly. The discussion of the research is thoughtful and thought-provoking....I would highly recommend this book to anyone who encounters patients with eating disorders....5 stars!”

—Doody's Review Service
“Disorders of appetite control have a major cost for individuals and society. Even though there is uncertainty about whether binge eating disorder is a distinct diagnostic entity, there is no doubt that this is a common source of distress and disability. This book is an essential tool for clinicians and students. The research evidence has been extracted and analyzed in a readily accessible format, and ambiguities and uncertainties in the field are clearly presented. The cognitive-behavioral intervention model in the second part of the book is an excellent example of how science can be translated into treatment.”

—Janet Treasure, PhD, FRCP, FRCPsych, Eating Disorders Research Unit, Department of Academic Psychiatry, Guy's Hospital, London, UK
“This book combines a thoughtful consideration of the status of binge-eating disorder together with a manual for a multimodal treatment program that has been in use for a decade and has been tested in controlled trials. It will be useful for both psychologists and psychiatrists in training, as well as practitioners.”

—W. Stewart Agras, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Emeritus), Stanford University
“In the years since the formulation of provisional diagnostic criteria for binge-eating disorder (BED), research on this problem has proliferated. Now a group of the foremost experts in the field have compiled a comprehensive volume that provides state-of-the-art information on all aspects of BED. This book is an invaluable resource for researchers, clinicians, and educators, and a 'must' for all serious students of eating disorders.”

—Marsha D. Marcus, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Chief, Eating Disorders Program, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic
“A splendid contribution by a seasoned, expert team of authors. The volume combines first-class scholarship with clinical wisdom and practical experience, and succeeds admirably in providing a comprehensive yet succinct summary of the state of the art and science in this field. Essential reading for clinicians, who will especially appreciate the user-friendly, evidence-based cognitive-behavioral treatment program.”

—G. Terence Wilson, PhD, Oscar K. Buros Professor of Psychology, Rutgers University; Director, Rutgers Eating Disorders Clinic

—Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
“This is an excellent book....It covers all of the current research and clinical treatment guidelines clearly and succinctly. The discussion of the research is thoughtful and thought-provoking....I would highly recommend this book to anyone who encounters patients with eating disorders....5 stars!”

—Doody's Review Service
“Disorders of appetite control have a major cost for individuals and society. Even though there is uncertainty about whether binge eating disorder is a distinct diagnostic entity, there is no doubt that this is a common source of distress and disability. This book is an essential tool for clinicians and students. The research evidence has been extracted and analyzed in a readily accessible format, and ambiguities and uncertainties in the field are clearly presented. The cognitive-behavioral intervention model in the second part of the book is an excellent example of how science can be translated into treatment.”

—Janet Treasure, PhD, FRCP, FRCPsych, Eating Disorders Research Unit, Department of Academic Psychiatry, Guy's Hospital, London, UK
“This book combines a thoughtful consideration of the status of binge-eating disorder together with a manual for a multimodal treatment program that has been in use for a decade and has been tested in controlled trials. It will be useful for both psychologists and psychiatrists in training, as well as practitioners.”

—W. Stewart Agras, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Emeritus), Stanford University
“In the years since the formulation of provisional diagnostic criteria for binge-eating disorder (BED), research on this problem has proliferated. Now a group of the foremost experts in the field have compiled a comprehensive volume that provides state-of-the-art information on all aspects of BED. This book is an invaluable resource for researchers, clinicians, and educators, and a 'must' for all serious students of eating disorders.”

—Marsha D. Marcus, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Chief, Eating Disorders Program, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic
“A splendid contribution by a seasoned, expert team of authors. The volume combines first-class scholarship with clinical wisdom and practical experience, and succeeds admirably in providing a comprehensive yet succinct summary of the state of the art and science in this field. Essential reading for clinicians, who will especially appreciate the user-friendly, evidence-based cognitive-behavioral treatment program.”

—G. Terence Wilson, PhD, Oscar K. Buros Professor of Psychology, Rutgers University; Director, Rutgers Eating Disorders Clinic