Breaking Through to Teens
Psychotherapy for the New Adolescence
Ron Taffel
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderMay 14, 2010
ISBN 9781606239445
Price: $35.00 292 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 2005
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1. Context: The New Adolescence and a New Treatment Paradigm
2. First Meeting: Getting Teens to Talk
3. Foundation: What's Necessary to Build a Helping Relationship with Teens
4. The Core: Healing the Divided Self of 21st-Century Teens
5. Direction: Advice as Essential to Helping Teens Change Behavior and Attitudes
6. The Gray Zone: The Truth about Lying to Therapists and Other Child Professionals
7. Treatment Unbound: Creating "Flexible Confidentiality"
8. The Parent Trap: Childrearing Advice as Essential to Helping Parents Change Behavior
9. Stuck: How to Conduct a "Focused Family Session"
10. The Village: Bringing Friends into Treatment
11. The Real in Relational: Challenging Ourselves to Stay Three-Dimensional with Teens