Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS)
A Harm Reduction Approach
Linda A. Dimeff, John S. Baer, Daniel R. Kivlahan, and G. Alan Marlatt
A Paperback Original
A Paperback Original
orderJanuary 8, 1999
ISBN 9781572303928
Price: $48.00 200 Pages
Size: 8½" x 11"
Listed in SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices!
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“Dimeff, Marlatt, and their colleagues at the Addictive Behaviors Research Center have synthesized years of tested and successful harm reduction strategies into a 'best practices' manual. Innovative, clear, and flowing with humane guidance for reducing students' risks, this is a book that moves the harm reduction approach forward in college settings. Used with college students who drink heavily, BASICS can reduce harm and save lives.”

—Patricia M. Fabiano, MS, MA, Director, Prevention and Wellness Services, Western Washington University
“This book provides a very helpful research-based approach for addressing an all-too-common problem among college students and other young adults: heavy drinking. Its theoretical and conceptual underpinnings provide a quality foundation not only for working with specific individuals, but also for guiding campus wide programmatic efforts. User-friendly and practical, BASICS is a promising approach to dealing with heavy drinking and may be applicable to a range of other health issues as well.”

—David S. Anderson, PhD, Center for the Advancement of Public Health, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia

—Patricia M. Fabiano, MS, MA, Director, Prevention and Wellness Services, Western Washington University
“This book provides a very helpful research-based approach for addressing an all-too-common problem among college students and other young adults: heavy drinking. Its theoretical and conceptual underpinnings provide a quality foundation not only for working with specific individuals, but also for guiding campus wide programmatic efforts. User-friendly and practical, BASICS is a promising approach to dealing with heavy drinking and may be applicable to a range of other health issues as well.”

—David S. Anderson, PhD, Center for the Advancement of Public Health, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia