Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention
Craig J. Bryan and M. David Rudd
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderAugust 16, 2018
ISBN 9781462536672
Price: $71.00 294 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
orderAugust 17, 2018
ISBN 9781462536665
Price: $47.00 294 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
“This is an excellent clinician guide for implementing brief cognitive-behavioral therapy for suicide prevention. The rationale is solid and accompanied by salient and user-friendly materials. Having this structured approach to an intense situation can help increase clinician confidence and patient outcomes. *****!”

—Doody's Review Service
“There are very few treatments specifically designed to reduce suicide risk. From leading figures in the field of suicide prevention, this is a timely, extremely useful book. Bryan and Rudd's evidence-based approach is accessible to any clinician trained in general principles of CBT. This book should be on the shelf of any CBT practitioner who sees patients with suicide ideation or attempts.”

—E. David Klonsky, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Canada
“This is the definitive handbook for suicide prevention—it outlines the most effective treatment for reducing suicide attempts developed to date. BCBT is supported by solid scientific evidence emanating from the largest-ever clinical trials targeting high-risk suicidal patients. The book provides extensive details on the functional analysis of suicidal behavior—directly targeting suicidal thoughts and behaviors as the primary outcome—unlike typical approaches targeting psychiatric diagnoses or symptoms. A 'must read' for all behavioral health counselors.”

—Alan L. Peterson, PhD, ABPP, Krus Endowed Chair in Psychiatry; Director, STRONG STAR Consortium; and Director, Consortium to Alleviate PTSD, University of Texas Health Care Science Center at San Antonio
“Rather than focusing on some other diagnosis such as depression, Bryan and Rudd’s functional model of suicide prevention focuses on the suicidal behavior itself, with simple-to-apply, short-term CBT skills. This manual represents the most recent and effective effort in the evolution of treatments to reduce suicidal risk, and should be taught to and used by all clinicians for this most serious and increasingly frequent problem. This is a book that every therapist should have.”

—Patricia A. Resick, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical School
“Bryan and Rudd have written an exceptionally detailed book that provides a step-by-step guide for the care of individuals at risk for suicide. Why should you learn BCBT? Because you will become equipped with specific CBT strategies that will make you not only more confident as a clinician, but also more effective in helping your suicidal patients regain their desire to live and thrive.”

—Marjan G. Holloway, PhD, faculty member, Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy

—Doody's Review Service
“There are very few treatments specifically designed to reduce suicide risk. From leading figures in the field of suicide prevention, this is a timely, extremely useful book. Bryan and Rudd's evidence-based approach is accessible to any clinician trained in general principles of CBT. This book should be on the shelf of any CBT practitioner who sees patients with suicide ideation or attempts.”

—E. David Klonsky, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Canada
“This is the definitive handbook for suicide prevention—it outlines the most effective treatment for reducing suicide attempts developed to date. BCBT is supported by solid scientific evidence emanating from the largest-ever clinical trials targeting high-risk suicidal patients. The book provides extensive details on the functional analysis of suicidal behavior—directly targeting suicidal thoughts and behaviors as the primary outcome—unlike typical approaches targeting psychiatric diagnoses or symptoms. A 'must read' for all behavioral health counselors.”

—Alan L. Peterson, PhD, ABPP, Krus Endowed Chair in Psychiatry; Director, STRONG STAR Consortium; and Director, Consortium to Alleviate PTSD, University of Texas Health Care Science Center at San Antonio
“Rather than focusing on some other diagnosis such as depression, Bryan and Rudd’s functional model of suicide prevention focuses on the suicidal behavior itself, with simple-to-apply, short-term CBT skills. This manual represents the most recent and effective effort in the evolution of treatments to reduce suicidal risk, and should be taught to and used by all clinicians for this most serious and increasingly frequent problem. This is a book that every therapist should have.”

—Patricia A. Resick, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical School
“Bryan and Rudd have written an exceptionally detailed book that provides a step-by-step guide for the care of individuals at risk for suicide. Why should you learn BCBT? Because you will become equipped with specific CBT strategies that will make you not only more confident as a clinician, but also more effective in helping your suicidal patients regain their desire to live and thrive.”

—Marjan G. Holloway, PhD, faculty member, Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy