Children in Family Contexts

Second Edition
Perspectives on Treatment

Edited by Lee Combrinck-Graham

Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
March 16, 2006
ISBN 9781593852634
Price: $88.00
524 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
December 17, 2013
Price: $88.00
524 Pages
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524 Pages
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I. Child Mental Health Fundamentals in Family Context

1. The Child in Family Therapy: Guidelines for Active Engagement across the Age Span, Tanya B. White and Richard Chasin

2. Development in Family Contexts, Geri Fox

3. Guidelines for a Family Assessment Protocol, Edith Catlin Lawrence

4. Family Therapy in an Age of Biological Psychiatry: Diagnostic and Treatment Considerations, Allan M. Josephson

5. The Biology of Family Culture, Douglas A. Kramer

II. Different Family Structures

6. Two-Parent Families, or How To Love a Two-Headed Monster, Douglas A. Kramer

7. Successful African American Single-Parent Families, Marion Lindblad-Goldberg

8. Remarried Systems, Mary F. Whiteside

9. Children in Foster Families, Kim Sumner-Mayer

III. Children in Families Facing Specific Challenges

10. Children with Chronic Illness and Physical Disabilities, Judith A. Libow

11. Families with Children with Disrupted Attachments, Lee Combrinck-Graham and Susan B. McKenna

12. Children of Parents with Mental Illness, Alan Cooklin

13. The Invisible Illness: Children in Alcoholic Families, Stuart A. Copans

14. Families Coping with the Death of a Parent: The Therapist's Role, Joan C. Barth

IV. Families and Larger Systems

15. The Family's Own System: The Symbolic Context of Health, David V. Keith

16. Partners for Success: A Collaborative Project in School-Based Mental Health Practice and Training, Phebe Sessions and Verba Fanolis

17. Children in Placement: A Place for Family Therapy, Ann Itzkowitz

18. The Family and the Legal System: The Search for an Intelligent Integration, G. Pirooz Sholevar

V. Larger Issues Affecting Children in Families

19. A Model for Disrupting Cycles of Violence in Families with Young Children, John Brendler

20. Of Two Worlds: Working with Children in Immigrant Families, Veronica Barenstein and Ema Genijovich

21. The Many Cultures of Child Protection, Begum Maitra