Children in a Violent Society

Edited by Joy D. Osofsky

August 10, 1998
ISBN 9781572303874
Price: $53.00
338 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 1998

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Foreword, Peter Scharf, Ph.D.

I. Scope of the Problem

1. Children and Youth Violence: An Overview of the Issues, Joy D. Osofsky

2. Exposure and Response to Community Violence among Children and Adolescents, Esther J. Jenkins and Carl C. Bell

3. What Children Can Tell Us about Living in a War Zone, James Garbarino and Kathleen Kostelny

4. Firearm Injuries Affecting U.S. Children and Adolescents, Katherine Kaufer Christoffel

5. Media Violence and Youth, John P. Murray

6. The Experience and Effects of Violence in Infancy, Charles H. Zeanah and Michael S. Scheeringa

7. Incubated in Terror: Neurodevelopmental Factors in the "Cycle of Violence," Bruce D. Perry

8. The Development of Violence and Crime as It Relates to Security of Attachment, Peter Fonagy, Mary Target, Miriam Steele, and Howard Steele

II. Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Families Exposed to Violence

9. Interventions with Parnets and Caregivers of Children Who Are Exposed to Violence, Betsy McAllister Groves and Barry Zuckerman

10. Experiencing Violence in a Developmental Context, Steven Marans and Anne Adelman

11. The Trauma/Grief-Focused Group Psychotherapy Module of an Elementary School-Based Violence Prevention/Intervention Project, Lisa Murphy, Robert S. Pynoos, and C. Boyd James

12. The Violence Intervention Project for Children and Families, Joy D. Osofsky

13. Perceptions of Violence: Children, Parents, and Police Officers, Ana C. Fick, Joy D. Ososfsky, and Marva L. Lewis

14. Violent Cities, Violent Streets: Children Draw Their Neighborhoods, Marva L. Lewis and Joy D. Ososfsky

15. Cops and Kids: Issues for Community Policing, Pamerla Jenkins, Ruth Seydlitz, Joy D. Osofsky, and Ana C. Fick

16. Prevention and Policy: Directions for the Future, Joy. D. Osofsky