Clinical Textbook of Addictive Disorders

Fourth Edition

Edited by Avram H. Mack, Kathleen T. Brady, Sheldon I. Miller, and Richard J. Frances

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
May 12, 2016
ISBN 9781462521692
Price: $140.00
730 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
May 13, 2016
ISBN 9781462521685
Price: $93.00
730 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
April 13, 2016
Price: $93.00
730 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $186.00 $111.60
730 Pages
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“An important, accessible, comprehensive book; I commend the authors and editors for their work....This is a useful text for teaching about the addictive disorders in many fields, including medicine, psychology, social work, counseling, and nursing.”

PsycCRITIQUES (on the third edition)

“Excellent....The authors provide us with a textbook that is quick to read and easy to digest. I have found over the years that residents enjoy this book and can learn from it readily....The clinician will find this textbook useful and handy in a busy practice. As a certified addictions specialist, I have found it useful in my day-to-day practice. I highly recommend this book and will certainly keep a copy of it on my shelf.”

American Journal of Psychiatry (on the second edition)

“As a student in the mental-health field, this book has already been helpful in my studies....A valuable resource to anyone who works or is thinking about working in the addiction-treatment field.”

Addiction Today (on the third edition)

“This extraordinarily well-written, clinically relevant, evidence-based work provides guidance and clarity to treatment professionals. Thousands of patients and practitioners will benefit from its contents, and treatment outcomes will be greatly improved.”

—Louis E. Baxter, Sr., MD, FASAM, Executive Medical Director, Professional Assistance Program of New Jersey, Inc.; past president, American Society of Addiction Medicine

“This book is ideal for therapists and researchers, as well as students and trainees new to the field. Science and clinical practice issues are presented in a balanced and inclusive manner. Now in its fourth edition, the volume retains all of its originally positive features and adds timely and new information essential to better understanding and treating addictions.”

—Nancy M. Petry, PhD, Professor of Medicine, UConn Health

“This book is unique in providing high-quality, comprehensive, and up-to-date coverage of all major topics in addictions, with broad applicability for training psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and other mental health professionals. It is an excellent text for graduate or other professional courses in assessment and treatment of substance use disorders.”

—Stephen A. Maisto, PhD, Department of Psychology, Syracuse University

“The book enriches the reader's understanding of drugs, their interactions, and ways to enhance screening and diagnosis, including how to overcome interview barriers when working with alcohol and drug users. There is good coverage of brain processes associated with substance use and their implications for treatment. The figures and tables contribute greatly to understanding each chapter. This would be a useful text for my graduate-level Addictions course; I would also recommend it as a supplementary reference in my undergraduate Mental Health course.”

—Cynthia Bostick, PMHCNS-BC, PhD, School of Nursing, California State University, Dominguez Hills