Clinician's Guide to Bipolar Disorder
David J. Miklowitz and Michael J. Gitlin
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderApril 8, 2014
ISBN 9781462515592
Price: $56.00 324 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
orderJuly 7, 2015
ISBN 9781462523689
Price: $37.00324 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
1. An Integrated Approach to Bipolar Disorder
2. Bipolar Disorder: The Basics
3. The Intake Evaluation
4. Treatment of Acute Mania and Hypomania
5. Pharmacological Treatment of Bipolar Depression
6. Pharmacological Maintenance Treatment
7. Psychosocial Treatment for Recovery and Maintenance
8. Dealing with Medication Nonadherence
9. Bipolar Disorder, Pregnancy, and the Postpartum Period
10. Bipolar Disorder and Suicide
11. Strategic Interventions in Challenging Situations: Comorbidity and the Use of Split Treatment
Appendix A. Resources for Clinicians and Patients
Appendix B. Medication Names and Classes