Clinician's Thesaurus
Ninth Edition
The Guide to Conducting Interviews and Writing Psychological Reports
Edward L. Zuckerman and Bradley W. Estes
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
pre-orderJuly 23, 2025
ISBN 9781462558087
Price: $101.00 400 Pages
Size: 8" x 10.5"
pre-orderJuly 23, 2025
ISBN 9781462558070
Price: $67.00400 Pages
Size: 8" x 10.5"
The new edition will be published July 23, 2025. If you need this title before then, please see the previous edition.
Professors: Do you need to make an adoption decision or update your syllabus for the next term? Request a set of page proofs now for immediate review.
Professors: Do you need to make an adoption decision or update your syllabus for the next term? Request a set of page proofs now for immediate review.
Edward L. Zuckerman, PhD, consults and creates effective practice tools for clinicians. He found his life’s passion while working as a psychiatric aide at New York’s Bellevue Hospital in the 1960s. Dr. Zuckerman has worked with adults in a variety of clinical contexts, acted as liaison with state hospitals, taught undergraduates and professional clinicians, and maintained an independent practice in general clinical psychology for many years. He lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Bradley W. Estes, PsyD, is a clinical neuropsychologist with a passion for serving others through diagnostics, psychotherapy, and professional consultation. Dr. Estes has worked with children and adults of all ages in a variety of settings, including psychiatric hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and schools. He lives in Indiana, where he has an independent practice focused on clinical and forensic neuropsychological and psychological assessment. Dr. Estes is also a faculty advisor for the Brain Health Initiative.
Bradley W. Estes, PsyD, is a clinical neuropsychologist with a passion for serving others through diagnostics, psychotherapy, and professional consultation. Dr. Estes has worked with children and adults of all ages in a variety of settings, including psychiatric hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and schools. He lives in Indiana, where he has an independent practice focused on clinical and forensic neuropsychological and psychological assessment. Dr. Estes is also a faculty advisor for the Brain Health Initiative.